Are air conditioners and coolers safe for newborns? (2024)

Is it safe to use an AC or cooler with a newborn?

Yes, it's safe, provided you take a few precautions.Most doctors agree that using a cooler or an air conditioner (AC) with a newborn is safer than letting him stay in a hot, airless and humid environment.

What are the risks if a baby gets too hot or too cold?

Babies, particularly newborns, can't adjust their body temperature as well as adults. They also can't express themselves clearly to let you know they are in distress.

Experts say that a properly cooled and ventilated environment helps your baby to sleep comfortably and reduces the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

Being in a hot, humid environment also makes them vulnerable to overheating and heat-related illnesses such as dehydration, heat exhaustion or heatstroke. They may also get a prickly heat rash,

On the other hand, extremely cold temperatures could lead to hypothermia (a serious condition where the body begins to lose heat faster than it can be produced) and frostbite.

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What precautions should I take when using an AC or cooler with a baby?

Follow these tips to keep your baby safe and comfortable while using an air conditioner or cooler:

Redirect the air vents away from your baby

Always keep your baby away from the direct blast of cold air from the AC or cooler. Any place that is too cold could severely lower your baby's body temperature and chill him. Regularly check on him to ensure he's safe and not too cold or uncomfortable.

Maintain a comfortable room temperature

Changes in the outside heat and humidity can affect the cooling of your AC or cooler. Your room could get chilly or warm very quickly, making it uncomfortable for your baby.

So, keep the temperature at a comfortable setting, that is not too cold or too warm. Many experts recommend maintaining a temperature range between 23 and 25 degrees C.

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Keep your baby hydrated

Offer your child plenty of fluids to help cool the body from the inside out and keep him hydrated. You don’t need to give water to an exclusively breastfed baby, even in hot weather. Just breastfeed him more often.

On the other hand, formula-fed babies may need to have someboiled and cooled water in addition to their usual feeds in hot weather. However, only give small amounts of water at a time. You don’t want water to replace a feed and make your baby too full for his milk.

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Keep your baby well-moisturised

Using an AC may causedry skin in some babies, especially if they are in an air-conditioned room for long periods of time. If you notice this, use a suitable moisturiser recommended by your doctor.

You may have heard that dipping an ear-bud in baby oil and gently swiping it in each nostril may help may prevent nose bleeds caused by dry nasal passages. However, do check with your doctor before applying anyoil to your baby's nostrils.

Some mums also recommend keeping a bowl of water in the room. The water is thought to help reduce the dryness by keeping the air in the room "moist".

Help your baby adjust to varying temperatures

Don't take your baby to a warm place immediately after leaving an air-conditioned room. The sudden temperature changes can be hard on your baby. It's helpful to switch off the AC or cooler for about 10 minutes before you take your baby out of the room.

If you travel by car, keep the air conditioning between 23 and 25 degrees C. Also, keep your baby away from the direct airflow.

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Never leave a baby or small child inside a parked car. Parking in the shade, opening the windows, or even running the AC may not keep the temperature inside a parked car at a safe level for babies.

Babyproof your home

It's never too early to babyproof your home. Even before your baby is mobile, risks abound.

Also, keep the AC remote away from child. It's not uncommon for babies to chew on remotes, or playfully change the settings of electrical gadgets or devices.

Never leave your baby unattended in a room with an air conditioner or cooler running.

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Is it better to use a cooler or AC with a newborn baby?

This depends entirely on your family's needs and your preferences. Both have advantages and disadvantages.

Pros and cons of using air conditioners

ACs work well in hot weather and also control humidity. They are more efficient at bringing down and maintaining the temperature in the room. You can set the desired temperature.

Some models also have a heating function. So, you can use the same AC all year round in the cooling or heating mode depending on the weather.

ACs can be expensive depending on the brand, size and functionality you choose. They are also more expensive to run and maintain. If you have frequent or prolonged power cuts in your area, you'll need a generator or high-end inverter to carry the load.

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ACs need regular maintenance to ensure the filters are clean, the fan is working correctly and the cooling is optimal. If moisture accumulates on the coils and fan blades, it can help bacteria andmould to grow.

They also emit harmful gases that negatively impact our environment. Spending too much time in an air-conditioned environment can cause headaches and dry or itchy skin. If the filters aren’t cleaned properly they can causeallergies, respiratory diseases and other illnesses as the AC circulates the germs through the indoor air.

Pros and cons of using coolers

Coolers can be budget-friendly and cheaper to run. If you have frequent power cuts in your area, many coolers can still continue to run on an inverter. However, running a cooler can be difficult if you have water problems in your area.

Also, coolers aren’t very effective in the humid weather. Many find it's helpful to leave a window or door partly open to allow the passage of air, especially in humid weather such as the monsoon.

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It's hard to maintain a set temperature with a cooler and you'll probably need a thermometer to keep track. As a cooler evaporates water to cool, it increases the humidity in the air. In a closed room, the humidity tends to keeps rising, and eventually the cooling stops. This can gradually increase the temperature, making the room hot and sticky.

Coolers need to be properly cleaned regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria, mould and algae. Their water tanks hold water for long periods and can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can cause serious illnesses such asdengue fever,malaria andchikungunya.

It isn't necessary to use an AC or cooler at all times. Some days are not as hot as others, especially indoors. If the temperature indoors is below or around 25 degrees C, use a fan instead of the AC. Read more about simple ways to keep your baby cool and comfortable.

Should my baby wear warm clothes if he's in an air-conditioned room?

It's easy to worry about whether your baby is warm enough – but keeping him comfortable isn't as complicated as you might think. The trick is striking the right balance so he doesn't get too hot or too cold.

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It is recommended that babies should wear one more layer than you, and shouldn't be dressed too warmly for the room, or wrapped too snugly.

  • Dress your baby in light layers that cover his arms and legs. Doing so will protect your baby from cold air.
  • You may like to try a light cap for his head and some light cotton socks or booties to cover his feet.
  • If you plan to use a light blanket or sheet, make sure you tuck it below his elbows to avoid covering his face.

Swaddling your baby is also an easy way to keep their arms and legs warm during sleep, but stop swaddling once your baby shows signs of being able toroll over.

Is it normal for my baby's hands and feet to be cold?

A baby's hands and feet are often cooler than the rest of his body. Don’t rely entirely on how cold your baby's feet or hands feel if you want to add on, or remove layers. Check your baby's back, chest or tummy.

Young babies still have underdeveloped circulatory systems, and their bodies regulate temperature differently than our adult bodies do. Also, your baby's hands don't need a lot of blood flow, so their body is busy circulating blood to other important parts such as thebrain and lungs.

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In other words, cold hands and feet are typically not a sign that the whole body is cold. As long as the room is not too chilled and your baby is not showing signs of illness or distress, you can assume your baby is comfortable.

What are the signs that my baby is feeling cold?

If your baby is feeling cold, you're likely to notice:

  • his skin appears blotchy or pale
  • his chest or the back of his neck feels cool to the touch
  • his arms, legs, or cheeks feel overly cool to the touch
  • he's extra fussy or keeps waking frequently

Whatever the case, pay attention to your baby's cues and signs of discomfort. If your baby seems verycranky, sleepy or unresponsive, or is refusing feeds, contact your doctor right away.

What are the signs that my baby is feeling hot?

If your baby is feeling hot, you're likely to notice:

  • his hair is damp
  • he is sweating
  • his tummy feels hot and clammy
  • his cheeks look red or flushed
  • he's breathing rapidly
  • he's irritable and cranky
  • he has signs of prickly heat rash

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Too much moisture can lead to prickly heat, even in the winter. So, if your baby is sweating, take a layer off, or change your baby's clothes so more air can flow over his skin.

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Are air conditioners and coolers safe for newborns? (2024)


Are air conditioners and coolers safe for newborns? ›

Yes, it's safe, provided you take a few precautions. Most doctors agree that using a cooler or an air conditioner (AC) with a newborn is safer than letting him stay in a hot, airless and humid environment.

Is it safe to use AC for a newborn baby? ›

Newborns are very sensitive to even the slightest temperature changes. Avoid sudden drops and rises in temperature. Before you leave an air-conditioned room with your baby, turn off the AC and let the baby adjust to the new temperature. The recommended temperature for your baby is between 68° and 72°F (20° to 22.2°C).

Can we use an air cooler for a newborn baby? ›

There's no harm in using an AC or a cooler in your baby's room, but, you should refrain from using both these cooling equipment for a long time at a stretch. This is because exposing your baby to colder temperatures may put him at risk of having a lower body temperature, which may be harmful to his health.

Are portable AC units safe for babies? ›

Portable AC units can be safe for babies if they are used properly. However, there are a few risks associated with using these units around babies, including: Drafts. Portable AC units can create strong drafts, which can make babies cold.

Can we put a fan for a newborn baby? ›

According to the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine , babies are 72% less likely to die from sudden death syndrome if they sleep with a ceiling fan. The fan helps the air circulate in the room while preventing the build-up of carbon dioxide. Can babies sleep under a ceiling fan ? Absolutely.

Does AC prevent SIDS? ›

YES. Since humid temperatures are not suitable for newborns, a properly ventilated room can help prevent the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Is a fan or AC better for a newborn? ›

Most doctors agree that it is safer to use a cooler or an air conditioner (AC) with a newborn than to let him stay in a hot, airless and humid environment. Babies, particularly newborns, can't adjust their body temperature as well as adults.

How cool should a room be for a newborn? ›

You don't want your baby's room to be either too hot or too cold. It's recommended that the best temperature for babies is between 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit or 20 to 22 degrees Celsius. Babies are more sensitive to changes in room temperature because they're so small and their bodies are still growing.

What is the best AC temperature for a baby to sleep? ›

Keeping your baby's room cool, but comfortable is one way to maintain a safe sleep environment. In fact, it's recommended that babies sleep in a temperature between 68° and 72°F (20° to 22.2°C).

What does cooling do for newborn? ›

While in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), your baby is getting a special kind of care, called whole body cooling (also called therapeutic hypothermia). This treatment lowers body temperature so the body slows down and uses less energy. It lets the body heal faster from a rough start at the time of birth.

Can you put an air conditioner in a baby's room? ›

The most common question every new parent has in their mind is, “Is the usage of AC or a Cooler safe for my baby? ‍Well, the answer is YES. A properly ventilated room can help prevent the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) since the humid temperature is not good for a newborn.

How do I baby proof my AC unit? ›

Ways to Childproof Your HVAC
  1. Secure your vents. It's easy for your child to lift your floor vents if you don't secure the covers properly. ...
  2. Place thermostats and units high up. ...
  3. Protect outdoor unit. ...
  4. Keep remotes out of reach.
Aug 2, 2023

Are portable air conditioners safe to breathe? ›

If you use portable air conditioners, you don't need to worry about the devices themselves producing carbon monoxide.

Can I use an air conditioner with a newborn? ›

Yes it is safe, provided you take a few precautions. Most doctors agree that it is safer to use a cooler or an air conditioner (AC) with a Newborn than to let him stay in a hot, airless and humid environment. Babies, particularly Newborn, can't adjust their body temperature as well as adults.

Can a newborn sleep in an air conditioned room? ›

Yes, it's safe, provided you take a few precautions. Most doctors agree that using a cooler or an air conditioner (AC) with a newborn is safer than letting him stay in a hot, airless and humid environment.

What is the room temperature for SIDS? ›

It is important to make sure that your baby is a comfortable temperature – not too hot or too cold. The chance of SIDS is higher in babies who get too hot. A room temperature of 16-20°C – with light bedding or a lightweight, well-fitting baby sleep bag– is comfortable and safe for sleeping babies.

What temperature should AC be on for newborn? ›

Most pediatricians recommend you keep your baby's room between 68 to 72 degrees. Unfortunately, there are certain situations where your baby's room will be too cold, due to the strength of an air conditioning unit.

What should a baby wear in air conditioning? ›

If your baby is sleeping in air conditioning or AC, you should dress them in one extra layer than you are wearing. For example, if you're wearing pajamas, you could put them in pajamas plus a swaddle or light weight sleep sack. If your baby is sleeping in air condition, be aware of where the air vent is blowing.

How can I keep my newborn cool without AC? ›

Place the crib or bassinet in the coolest room. A fan can help keep the room cool. Fans should never blow directly on the baby and should be out of baby's reach. A lukewarm bath or cool wash cloth can help cool baby down.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.