Are you my MOMMY, MOM or BRUH? Does your teen speak in slang? (2024)

This makes me think of a children’s book we most certainly read to our children as they were toddlers into preschool and kindergarten years titled, “Are You My Mother?” by P.D. Eastman. A baby bird goes in search of its mother and it is somewhat comical as there are pictures of all sorts of animals it comes across, while searching for its mother.

I will relate this to my teenage son and daughter who are not going around asking who their mother is. If you have small children perhaps they still call you mommy, an older child may call you mom, and enter the teenage years and suddenly this endearing term “Bruh” comes to define me as my teenage children’s mom. Bruh is slang for brother, or meaning a male friend. Now, this is funny to me, as I am definitely female and identify as such. Surprisingly I went straight from mom to bruh, not mom to ma. I am definitely confused as I am not his brother and I am not male. How did I get this nickname? Many parents across America are scratching their heads while pondering the same question.

The teenagers these days -speak differently than when I was a teen in the 90’s, not that we didn’t have slang as well, we did- it was just different! Teens today say things like “cap” to explain that’s the truth, whereas my generation may have said, “word”. Anyone who listened to songs played in the 90s could relate to Vanilla Ice’s- Ice Ice Baby song with lyrics that included, “word to your mama”, which would be like “cap” or truth in today’s slang. We used to say things were cool/dope, and that is considered fire today, whereas something that is bad is trash.

Well, this is teenage slang and it’s nothing new, but the slang has changed. But, being called bruh is trash, and it feels like I’m being ripped on (burned!) and that’s cap!-WORD TO YOUR MAMA! (Oh Wait-wrong generation).

Are you my MOMMY, MOM or BRUH? Does your teen speak in slang? (2024)


What does "mommy" mean in slang? ›

It's a used synonym for babe or baby. Originally it means “mother”. But if someone use this to adress someone who is not a mother figure it means he is calling her babe or something in romantic way. As in he finds her attractive.

What does mama mommy mom bruh mean? ›

If you have small children perhaps they still call you mommy, an older child may call you mom, and enter the teenage years and suddenly this endearing term “Bruh” comes to define me as my teenage children's mom. Bruh is slang for brother, or meaning a male friend.

What does mother mean in slang? ›

Mother. This one's pretty straightforward: someone is “mother” if they're an iconic feminine figure, and an act is “mother” if it contributes to that icon status. It's most often used to refer to pop stars, actresses, or other celebrities, but it can be applied in everyday life, too.

What if a guy calls you mommy? ›

Your boyfriend most likely called you mommy because he might be trying to seduce you. Basically, on the internet, people have sexualized the names 'Mommy' and 'Daddy'. And usually call someone they love that to try to engage with sexual things.

Why do kids call their mom bruh? ›

You may hear this word from your kid when they're annoyed, frustrated, amused or all of the above. Now you're wondering what it means, and why on earth your child is using it with you. "Bruh" means "bro" and "can be used to address anybody," according to, a company that decodes teenage slang.

What if my crush calls me bruh? ›

No, it does not mean anything like that. It just means that they are comfortable and see you as one of their own. I called my crush bro, but that doesn't mean I friendzoned her. It just means that I feel comfortable around her.

Is bruh disrespectful? ›

Against: While some may view "bruh" as harmless, others feel it is disrespectful and inappropriate. It can be seen as a way to demean or belittle someone, and its use in certain contexts can be considered a form of bullying. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use the term "bruh" is up to the individual.

Do Gen Z say bruh? ›

One of those words making a comeback among Gen Z is the slang term “bruh.”

Is it OK to call your mom mommy? ›

All these different versions of mother just show us how important mothers are to our culture. For some, “mother” may seem too formal. Instead, the woman who makes you pancakes or coaches your soccer team needs a more informal word like “mommy” to capture what she means to you.

What does girl mommy mean? ›

a mother of a daughter or daughters, especially one with only a daughter or daughters: I'm a girl mom of three wonderful ladies and I'm proud they have the skills to be independent and self-reliant.

Why do guys call girls mommy? ›

One possible explanation for a guy calling you “mommy” is that he has a close and loving relationship with his own mother. The term may simply be a friendly way of addressing you, and it could be a sign of endearment.

What does 👁👄👁 mean? ›

The comment 👁️👄👁️, comprised of an "eye," "lips," and another "eye" emoji, means an individual who witnessed the recording of a bizarre, funny, or cringey TikTok video was staring in shock, disgust, or confusion.

What does Gen Z say instead of cool? ›

Colloquially: "Enlightened", "Hot", "Fire." The new hotness; something remarkable, interesting, fun or amusing. Generally positive. Semantically the same as cool of earlier generations, but contradicts the former's normative semantics.

What does mommy mean in text? ›

But calling someone mommy/daddy is like, a compliment in most regards on the internet, it's basically saying you consider a person powerful, you do not find their older age to be a turnoff, and in fact you find them sexually attractive.

Why do boys call their girlfriend mommy? ›

It's a term of affection for the woman he loves. He sees her as soft and beautiful and needing him to take care of her in his own gentle way. Or he can't remember her name and baby girl is the first thing that comes to mind for him.

What does mommy mean nowadays? ›

/ˈmɑːmi/ plural mommies. Britannica Dictionary definition of MOMMY. [count] chiefly US, informal. : a person's mother — used especially by children.

What it means to be a mommy? ›

“Being a mother means being completely and totally overwhelmed (in the best possible way) by love, joy, responsibility, and selflessness. Motherhood means sleepless nights, big belly laughs, caterpillars on the coffee table, finger-painting in the kitchen, stubbed toes, and gapped toothed grins.

Can I call my girl mommy? ›

Yes! As a female with a dominant personality it would be totally fine and cute if a guy called me mommy. As long as boundaries are not crossed. I think it's way cuter in private though, then in public; a “Simple” ..

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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