Do You Really Need Burp Cloths for Baby? (2024)

When it comes to taking care of a new baby, there are a lot of things that parents need to worry about. One of the most important is making sure that the baby is comfortable and safe. But with all the different products on the market, it can be hard to know what you really need – and what is just a waste of money.

One of the things that new parents often wonder about is burp cloths. Some people swear by them, while others think they are unnecessary. So, do you really need burp cloths for your baby?

In this article, we will look at what burp cloths are, why you might need them, and how to use them. We will also dispel some of the myths about burp cloths and give you some tips on choosing the right ones for your needs.

What are baby burp cloths?

Do You Really Need Burp Cloths for Baby? (1)

Burp cloths are small pieces of cloth that are used to absorb the saliva and other secretions that come from a baby’s mouth. They are often used to protect clothes from getting dirty and to help keep the baby’s skin clean.

Burp cloths can be made from a variety of materials, including cotton, terrycloth, and fleece.

Why might you need burp cloths?

Do You Really Need Burp Cloths for Baby? (2)

There are a few reasons why you might need burp cloths for your baby. Here are some of the most common:

  • To protect the baby’s clothes from saliva and drool
  • To catch any spit-up that may occur
  • To clean the baby’s face and mouth
  • To protect the furniture from getting messy

These are some of the most common reasons why parents use burp cloths, but there are others as well. For example, some parents like to use them as blankets or bibs.

Do you really need them, or can you just use a regular towel?

The answer depends on a few different factors. For starters, how often does your baby spit up? If your child is quite the little spitter-upper, then you will want to have some burp cloths on hand.

There are a few other reasons why you might want to use burp rags. For example, they can help protect the baby’s face and mouth from saliva and drool. They can also be used to clean the baby’s face and mouth if they happen to spit up. And if you are using them as blankets or bibs, they can help keep the baby’s clothes clean.

Do You Really Need Burp Cloths for Baby? (3)

Things to consider before buying burp cloths

If you are not sure whether you need burp cloths, here are a few tips for choosing the right ones:

  • Choose a type of cloth that is absorbent and soft.
  • Choose a size that is large enough to cover the baby’s chest and stomach.
  • Choose a design that you like.
  • Consider the price and whether the cloths can be washed and dried in a machine.

These are a few things to keep in mind when choosing burp cloths. If you are still not sure whether you need them, ask your pediatrician for advice.


Do You Really Need Burp Cloths for Baby? (4)

What is the purpose of a burp cloth?

Burp cloths are used to absorb the saliva and other secretions that come from a baby’s mouth. They are often used to protect clothes from getting dirty and to help keep the baby’s skin clean.

Are burp cloths really necessary?

It depends on your individual situation. If your baby spits up a lot, then you will want to have some burp cloths on hand. They can also be useful for cleaning the baby’s face and mouth, and for protecting the furniture from getting messy.

How many burping cloths do I need?

It depends on how often you think you will need them. If you are not sure, it is always better to have too many than not enough. Most burp cloths come in packs of 12-24, so you should be able to find a pack that fits your needs.

Can they be washed and dried in a machine?

Yes, most burp cloths can be washed and dried in a machine. Just make sure to check the label before purchasing them.

What is the best material for burp cloths?

The best material for burp cloths is absorbent and soft. Cotton, terrycloth, and fleece are all good options.

Do You Really Need Burp Cloths for Baby? (2024)


Do You Really Need Burp Cloths for Baby? ›

Babies usually need burp cloths for as long as they're fed by bottle or breast. It's different for every child, but they get most of their sustenance from milk until about 12 months of age. While many children continue drinking milk after their first birthday, they may not still need to be burped each time.

What can I use instead of burp cloths? ›

If you're looking for a burp cloth that will last through even the most explosive feedings, look no further than cloth diapers; they're a great alternative to regular burp cloths.

What is the point of a burp cloth? ›

Burp cloths are small pieces of cloth that are used to absorb the saliva and other secretions that come from a baby's mouth. They are often used to protect clothes from getting dirty and to help keep the baby's skin clean. Burp cloths can be made from a variety of materials, including cotton, terrycloth, and fleece.

Do I need burp cloths and receiving blankets? ›

Conclusion. Both receiving blankets and burp cloths are essential for effective baby care, each serving specific needs that support the daily routines of new parents.

Can you use washcloths as burp cloths? ›

The answer is simple – A burp cloth is used to catch spit-ups when babies burp. A washcloth is used to dry the little one after a bath. A burp cloth is usually thicker and smaller in size than a washcloth.

Do I need to buy burp cloths? ›

Babies usually need burp cloths for as long as they're fed by bottle or breast.

Can you use tea towels as burp cloths? ›

Tea Towels – You can use a tea towel instead. They are a good size and absorbent. The main negative is that most are pretty ugly.

How many burp cloths does a newborn need? ›

If you are wondering, 'how many burp cloths do I need?' It depends on how often your young one spits up, the number of feedings(which are unnumbered as they are still breastfeeding), and how often you want to do the laundry. But anywhere between eight to 14 burp cloths is a good number to have for a single baby.

How often should I wash burp cloths? ›

They will need to be washed regularly. But how often will depend on how many burping pads you buy. Ideally, they should be washed daily. But no later than every second day.

Is it rude to burp without covering your mouth? ›

It is acceptable to burp or sneeze at the table, as long as you cover your mouth.

Can you use swaddles as burp cloths? ›

6 – Burp Cloth

When you're burping baby, throw the swaddle over your shoulder for added protection and save your clothes from getting baby spit up on them.

Do people still use receiving blankets for babies? ›

Receiving blankets offer convenience for you and security and comfort for your little bubs—you will use them all the time, especially during your baby's first year!

How many blankets does a newborn need? ›

During the newborn stage, you can benefit from having around 6-12 receiving blankets and 2-4 swaddling blankets as your primary go-tos. These numbers can accommodate multiple changes throughout the day and offer ample backups for nighttime disruptions and laundering needs.

Do I really need baby washcloths? ›

It's good to have at least a few infant washcloths — four or five to start. That way, you'll always have a fresh one ready, and you can use extras as burp cloths for feeding your little one. Due to the small size, washcloths are usually the most affordable bath linens, and they don't take up much storage space.

What can I do with old baby burp cloths? ›

Dish Cloth – Once you no longer need your spit-up cloths you can utilise them around the house. And one way is using them as a dish cloth. The backing is absorbent so will dry the dishes in no time. Car Chamois – Another option is a car chamois.

Should I pre wash burp cloths? ›

Pre-washing doesn't mean you have to wash and dry every single onesie, burp cloth, and towel before the baby is born. Just make sure to wash baby clothes or linen before you use them.

What is the best material for burping clothes? ›

Here are some suggestions on what fabrics to use for the front;
  • Organic Cotton – By far the most popular. ...
  • Flannel – As well as being soft and warm, flannel is breathable. ...
  • Muslin – This is an eco-friendly material that is soft and gentle on the baby's skin. ...
  • Chenille – Another versatile fabric is Chenille.

How do you cover a burp? ›

Hide your burp by keeping your mouth closed, tucking your head in your sleeve, and slowly letting the “burp” out through your nose.

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