FACTORS AFFECTING SELECTION OF CLOTHING | Textile Magazine, Textile News, Apparel News, Fashion News (2024)

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FACTORS AFFECTING SELECTION OF CLOTHING | Textile Magazine, Textile News, Apparel News, Fashion News (1)

  • The selection of clothing should be done on the basis of age, season, income, occasion and fashion.
  1. Age: While selecting fabric one has to think of the age group of the child. For small children, dainty prints in soft colors can be chosen. Nursery prints are not suitable for elementary school children. When the children enter late childhood stage, the boys like masculine colors, for examples blue, grayish blue, and brown and girls like to wear feminine colors like pink, green and red. Some fabrics, which are delicate, are chosen for girls clothing whereas, rough textured fabrics are suitable for adolescent boys.The style of the dress also changes according to the age group of the child. The A-line dresses are suitable for toddlers and infants. Later on, dresses with lots of gathers are suitable for girls’ frocks. In the same way type of collars are suitable for younger age group, for example baby collar is not suitable for adolescent
  2. Season: Some fabrics and colors are suitable for winter while others are not, for example synthetics; silk and wool are suitable for winter as they are bad conductor of heat. Cotton and blends of cotton with synthetics are good for summer as they are good conductor of heat and absorptive. There are cool and warm colors. The cool colors are associated with coolness, for example, blue, green, white etc. Warm colors are bad conductors of heat and associated with warmth for example, red, golden yellow and orange. So warm colors are suitable for winter, whereas cool colors are chosen for summer.
  3. Income: Amount of money affects the selection of clothing. Children belonging to high-income group can spend more percentage of money on clothing as compared to low income. They can spend more money on fashionable garments rather than on durable clothes. Parents belonging to low-income group prefer durable clothes rather than delicate ones. So the preference of the clothing changes according to the income of the family. Low socio economic growth gives more importance to durability, comfort and price as compared to becomingness and beauty.
  4. Occasion: Selection of clothes also changes according to occasion. For daily wear or informal wear, durable dresses with simple designs can be chosen but for occasional or formal wear novel fabrics with new styles are chosen.
  5. Fashion: Fashionable clothes look beautiful. One looks odd when one go out of fashion. Few fabrics and colors are in fashion while others are not. Some clothes should be brought according to fashion and others should be simple. Children belonging to high-income group can wear fashionable clothes to great extent as compared to low-income group. Too much of fashion should be avoided.

Selection of clothes should be very judicious so that we can buy best clothes by spending minimum amount of money.

The clothes should be compatible to age, personality, and climate and should not be a hindrance in normal working. Some factors affect the selec­tion of clothes, which may vary from person to person as they are influenced by the requirement of the person. These factors are as follows:


The personality, value and culture of a person can be judged easily from his dress. There are different types of personalities.

Highlighting salient features of the personal­ity and camouflaging the figure flaws to some extent is possible through dress. Improper dressing makes person a laughing stock and causes inferiority complex.

On the other hand, proper dresses help in building self-confidence which is essential for the proper development of personality. This affects our behavior and mannerism and develops harmony and per­sonality.

Clothes are an indication of caste, place, state, and occupation of the person. Clothes affect the personality of the wearer. People who are introverts prefer light and sober colors whereas extroverts like bright and gaudy clothes.

Dresses with delicate patterns and sober colors help in enhancing the natural characteristics of tenderness and feminine. On the other hand, big patterns and straight lines go well with regular, domi­nating and grand personalities. Some uni­forms are reserved for certain professions, which help in enhancing their personality, e.g., wearing white coat by doctors and black by lawyers. Clothes indicate your social sta­tus and interest. Simple and elegant clothes are hallmark of a serious personality.


Different clothes are required for differ­ent age groups. Therefore, care should be taken in selecting clothes for a particular age group.

(i) Selection of clothes for infants

  • An infant sleeps for most of the time, so it is important that his clothes are loose and comfortable.
  • These should be made of soft and absorbable cloth (preferably cotton) as they do not irritate the tender and soft skin of the child. Silken and synthetic clothes should not be used for infants in any case.

Infant’s clothes are to be washed quite often, hence, the clothes should be of such material which can be washed and dried easily. The clothes should be unsearched. The seams should be flat; fasteners should not be at the back.

Tight elastic should be avoided. Infant’s clothes should have openings on the front, back or on upper side and it should be head long and closed neck. Instead of buttons, there should be ties and fasteners at the back of the dress as these may hurt the infant clothes because inconvenience in and may get torn by sticking someway

  • Very tight clothes are not conducive normal growth.
  • If the clothes are shabby, unshaped, not to the liking of their peer group, they may suffer from inferiority complex. They are reluctant to play and with their peers.
  • Hazy and dull colors should not | selected for children. Rather bright gaudy colors are good for them.

(iii) Selection of clothes for adolescents

FACTORS AFFECTING SELECTION OF CLOTHING | Textile Magazine, Textile News, Apparel News, Fashion News (2)

  • Adolescents like distinctive and unit colors. Clothes with bright color reflecting enthusiasm, cheerfulness liveliness should be used for them.
  • They like clothes that are in fashion their clothes should be creative, stylish and according to the latest fashion.
  • Generally adolescents do not like influences of their parents and regarding their clothes.

(iv)Selection of clothes for adults.

FACTORS AFFECTING SELECTION OF CLOTHING | Textile Magazine, Textile News, Apparel News, Fashion News (3)

  • In adulthood, the clothes undergo change. Simple and elegant clothes desirable for mature and elderly
  • Clothes with design and flowering print look childish.
  • Clothes should be chosen after analysis of the color of the skin, a| and body figure.
  • In this age, more emphasis should be the profession, occasion, and price than on the prevalent fashion. In absence of any of this consideration the dress would look awkward.

(v) Selection of clothes for old. Some problems are come regarding the clothes of the people.

FACTORS AFFECTING SELECTION OF CLOTHING | Textile Magazine, Textile News, Apparel News, Fashion News (4)

  • In this period, there is loss of flexibility in the body which causes inconvenience in movements, hence, clothes should be| loose and comfortable.
  • Eyesight also gets weak and hence big buttons with button holes should be used in place of hooks. Use of zip is also convenient.
  • Their dresses should be in consonance with their age.
  • Clothes should be light and easy to wear. They should have simple designs and easy to wear from either side with durable stitching.
  • Clothes should be stain resistant, easily washable and wrinkle resistance as the elders may not have enough energy to launder their clothes frequently. Thus, we find that age is an important factor in selection of clothes.


The main purpose of clothes is to cover the body. Clothes protect us from heat and cold and help us in maintaining body tem­perature in adverse circ*mstances. Hence, knowledge of selecting the clothes according to the climate is essential.

Warm, thick and bright colored clothes should be used in winter whereas cool, soft and light colored clothes in summer. These should have sweat absorbing quality. In rainy season, we need such clothes as may dry up soon and are wrinkle free e.g., nylon.

Clothes compatible to a person should be soothed both to the user and onlooker, e.g., a person wearing silken clothes in sultry summer is irritable to the wearer as well as the onlooker.


FACTORS AFFECTING SELECTION OF CLOTHING | Textile Magazine, Textile News, Apparel News, Fashion News (5)

Clothing is associated with profession also. Working people should wear formal clothes. They should be simple, neat and clean. Vulgar and improper clothes should be avoided. Clothes should give a feeling of being smart, active and sober. We all would like to wear such clothes that may wearer not cause any hindrance in our working.

If you are a physical instructor, your clothes should be loose and comfortable so that you may give a good demonstration. Farmers need strong and durable clothes and should also protect them from sunshine.

Busi­nessmen should wear sober and modest clothes. Persons who are going to travelling should wear such clothes which are easy to wash and do not require frequent ironing, e.g., terry cot, decagon etc.

Industrial workers wear special type of uniform. People serving in army, police and railways have their own distinctive uniform. Simple and sober clothes are required in class­rooms. Sportsmen need durable and porous clothes for sweat absorption. Doctors and nurses wear white clothes. All these varia­tions are on account of different professions.


FACTORS AFFECTING SELECTION OF CLOTHING | Textile Magazine, Textile News, Apparel News, Fashion News (6)

Every person has unique figure. Some are tall or short, fat or lean and thin. Some are of normal height and width. A man should wear clothes in accordance to his figure irre­spective of latest trends in fashion and de­sign.

Whatever is the body shape, clothes can make it look different. By judicious use of colors and clothes the figure flaws can be camouflaged or salient features highlighted. For example, persons who intend to look taller and thinner should wear clothes that are plain and of single color and with vertical lines and designs. Similarly, those who wish to look shorter and fatter should wear horizon­tal designs and with two or more colors in their dress, e.g., if the salwar is of light color, the shirt should be of dark color with hori­zontal lines.

They may also use frills, piping in their dress to look fat. For a tall and fat lady, clothes with diagonal lines are more suitable. They should also not wear very light or loose clothes. Short coat and jacket too, give a feeling of shortness. All types of clothes do not suit to all body figures. For a fat person light and soft clothes, and heavy and fluffy clothes-like organdy and taffeta, should be used for a lean and thin person.

FACTORS AFFECTING SELECTION OF CLOTHING | Textile Magazine, Textile News, Apparel News, Fashion News (2024)


What are the factors influencing clothing selection? ›

Apart from Socio/psychological and Economic factors, Environmental Factors such as climatic conditions, and location among others influence clothing selection.

What are the factors that affect the selection of fabric? ›

Factors in Fabric Selection
  • The type of textile.
  • The size of the finished product.
  • The fabric treatment.

What are the factors that influence fashion trends? ›

A trend can thus emerge from street style, across cultures, and from influencers and other celebrities. Fashion trends are influenced by several factors, including cinema, celebrities, climate, creative explorations, innovations, designs, political, economic, social, and technological.

What are the main factors in making the selection of clothes for an old person? ›

Fabric Choices When choosing clothes for the elderly, comfort comes first. Natural fabrics, such as cotton or linen, are gentle on the skin and offer breathability. Fit and Size A well-fitted garment contributes to overall comfort.

What factors do you consider in choosing clothes? ›

Here are some important aspects to consider while buying and wearing clothes to make more effective wardrobe selections and create beautiful outfits.
  • Color.
  • Materials.
  • Cost.
  • Season.
  • Consider your body type.
  • Texture.
  • Check the size.
  • Occasion.
Aug 24, 2022

What are apparel selection considerations? ›

The way a fabric feels. its color and its overall look are important. Usually color and/or pattern first attract you to an apparel item. These should be considered. However, color and the overall look do not always assure a serviceable outfit which requires minimum care.

What factors should you consider when choosing fabric? ›

What to Look For When Selecting a Fabric
  • The Durability of the Fabric. It is important to consider the durability of the fabric. ...
  • The Cleanability of the Fabric. Individuals also need to think about how easy the fabric is to keep clean. ...
  • The Potential of the Fabric to Fade. ...
  • Consider the Various Fabric Options.
Oct 15, 2019

What is the primary consideration in fabric selection? ›

Durability is an essential consideration in fashion design, ensuring that garments can withstand regular wear and care. Fabrics with high durability can maintain their quality and appearance over time, while less durable fabrics may show signs of wear and tear more quickly.

What are the factors that influence the choice of a fabric finish? ›

The fabric substrate pH, the stability of the bath pH, theionic character of the residual chemicals that may be left behind from theprevious treatment, incomplete or variation in drying, yellowness, high TDS/hardness can all influence different finishes differently.

What influences fashion the most? ›

7 Environmental Factors that Influence our Style Choices
  • Cultural Influences. Your local culture has a strong impact on your style choices. ...
  • Urban vs. Rural Fashion. ...
  • Architectural Aesthetics. ...
  • Climate and Clothing Preferences. ...
  • Social Environment and Style. ...
  • Availability of Fashion Resources. ...
  • Cultural Context of Fashion.
Oct 15, 2023

What are the factors affecting fashion buying? ›

The key factors that influence fashion purchase decisions are product quality, trust, and digital marketing. The key factors that influence fashion purchase decisions are product innovation, communication, social influence, and the speed and affordability of innovation.

What 4 factors affect the type of clothing people wear? ›

Factors that affect clothing style include perception, social circle, fashion style consistency, visual stimuli, and psycho-sociological influences. Consumer perception plays a significant role in determining clothing style and behavior .

What are the factors affecting selection of fabrics? ›

The clothes that you choose to buy and wear are influenced by several factors such as climate, age, occassion, activity and occupation. You wear cottons in summers and woollens in winters. As you know woollen clothes are expensive and proper care is needed for their maintenance.

What influences clothing decisions? ›

People choose the clothes they wear for a number of reasons:
  • To fulfill basic needs.
  • Based on the activities in which they will be participating.
  • Personal preference.
  • Based on the influence of family, friends, the media, and society.

How can groups influence clothing choices? ›

According to Park & Lessig (1977) reference groups influence our fashion and clothing choice in three ways: (1) informational influence which is when the individual seeks information about various brands from an association of professionals or independent group of experts; (2) utilitarian influence which is the ...

What influences you in your choice of clothes? ›

Cultural and Societal Influences:

Our clothing choices are not made in a vacuum but are deeply influenced by cultural and societal norms. Fashion trends, for instance, are shaped by a myriad of factors, including cultural movements, historical events, and technological advancements.

What are factors influencing brand selection? ›

Consumer choice of brand is influenced by various factors. These factors include sociodemographic and psychological traits of the consumer. Other factors include elements such as product, price, location, promotion, brand equity, and customer purchase behavior determinants.

What factor should influence your choice of clothing for work? ›

Modern work environments, with their varied cultures and expectations, along with evolving fashion norms, are significantly influencing what is considered appropriate professional attire.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.