How to Be a Girly Girl in Just Ten Days (Candy Apple #4… (2024)


379 reviews13 followers

February 11, 2010

I wish my daughter was only interested in books like Secret Garden and Little Princess, but unfortunately she's often drawn to the pink ones with pre-teen bitchy looking girls on the cover. And these are the books she wants me to read to her for a bedtime story. Sigh.

To say the least, I was not excited about reading this book. Most of these contemporary YA fiction is just crap. Most seems to have been written in a weekend from a YA fiction template. Fortunately, this little Candy Apple edition was actually fun to read! Really. I was shocked. It's well written and funny and the characters are likable. It was enjoyable. I hope that Ms. Papademertriou has an opportunity to publish some "real" books soon.

    2010 kids

Houston Keanu

17 reviews

November 14, 2010

Nicolette "Nick" is as Tomboyish as it gets. She even wore a sweatshirt with a hole in it to a wedding!! Thankfully her mom made her change. Nick and her best friend Lindsay are complete opposites. Lindsay has a different crush almost everyday while lately Nick seems to have her eye on someone special...;) His name is Ben and Nick thinks he likes Hannah. Hannah is a real life girly girl and also plays on the basketball team with Nick. Nick wants to be a girly girl because that's what she thinks Ben likes. Hannah's throwing a party everyone's invited to and Nick wants to look nice for Ben. Nick and Lindsay get total makeovers, and they look so much better. Nick looks like a girl and at least Lindsay turned it down a notch with the theatrics. At the end we find that Ben doesn't like Hannah! He just spent so much time with her because they were soon-to-be step-siblings. What a relief for Nick! In the end it turns out Nick's brother Alex might have a crush on Lindsay...and Ben might have a crush on Nick....:). I would recommend this book to younger readers because it sort of appeals to them more than young adult. They would like it because maybe the theme is something they can relate to. I wouldn't recommend this book to any boy because it's a book about a girl trying to become a girly-girl!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.



1 review3 followers

January 31, 2011


I just started the book today so I am only on page 2 and I think it's okay in the beginning ,but it may get better throughtout the book. I really enjoy candyapple books because they discuss so many thing that middle school girls go through like popularity, crushes, and fashion.


So far this book is awesome! A young girl is invited to a party and she overhears everyone talking what their going to wear. She notices everyones outfits sound a little girlyish and she's thinking about what she should wear to fit in. I cannot wait to read the next chapter and see what happens!!!!


My book is getting even better. So far Nick and Lindsay are on a quest at the mall to find the perfect outfit for the party and they haven't found anything yet but I'm sure they will. I predict that Nick might show up to the party looking like a whole new person. I can't wait to find out what happens next.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


6 reviews

March 19, 2012

No, no, no! This is not what the media should be promoting to young girls. No one has to be "girly" for someone to take interest in them. -sigh- I hate the gender roles people force today, especially on children. It's not right. Just be yourselves!



102 reviews


March 5, 2021

I just stumbled across this on Goodreads and I remember reading these kinds of books in elementary school (and this one in particular). The memories!!! They made me so excited for middle school😭😭😭

Kaitlyn Stanfield

29 reviews

November 9, 2012

In the book How to be a Girly Girl in Just Ten Days, two friends take the steps and challenges of everyday life and try to become these preppy and popular girly girls for guys to notice them. With each chapter, it is started with a quiz, informational paragraph, or horoscopes; which provides what may be coming up in the book. By the end of the book, both girls, Nick and Lindsay, decide its better to be themselves and come to find out, the guys like them just the way they are.

The book does not have any illustrations besides the front cover; which is girly and pink and is appealing to the eye. My first glance at the bookshelf it was on, my eyes were drawn to the book by the colorful front cover and the shopping bags that were next to a female that did not look too interested in the dressy clothing.

I think this book is for the ages of 10-14, grades 3-6 because of the growing up that females have to oversee. Each female journey is different from the next and even best friends experience things differently. The book sends a message to young females that no matter what, be themselves; don't change for anymore. I think this message is extremely important for today's society because the younger generation is all about impressing boys and getting their attention by being someone they are not when in reality, people look passed that and really like them for who they really are, without make up and any cover ups... just them and that's how it should be. Overall, the book was decent but the message it made me think of is incredible and made me rate this book better than I normally would have because as girls age and start junior high, things change and this book sort of prepares them for those changes and helps them remain true to themselves.

February 21, 2009

This was an ok book. I don't know why I didn't give it a higher rating. I guess this book didn't deserve it. I don't think this book gives that great of a message I guess. We should never change who we are for anybody, especially a guy. Everyone should like you for who are?? Why be someone you are not?? I am never going to be anyone besides me in life. If the guy doesn't fall for you, it's his loss. He's missing out on a great girl. We should be ourselves no matter what.

Ally Chan

24 reviews

June 19, 2013

I read this when I was a bit younger... I'm a freshman now and I think I probably read it back when I was in 3rd or 4th grade.

Back then, I enjoyed it so much, it was definitely one of my favorite books! It's not necessarily a real guide, it's actually a story :)

If you have a child, or you yourself would like to read it, then I'd totally recommend it.


Mandy Happypets

1 review1 follower

September 27, 2012

This book is about a sport-playing tomboy called Nick(by her friends) But when she meets a cute boy named Ben,she decides to be girly. She seeks advice from friends. At last,she and Ben were a couple. HAPPY ENDING! LOVE THIS BOOK.


61 reviews23 followers

May 5, 2018

i’m so excited for u to read it dani

Jennifer Wardrip

Author5 books512 followers

November 26, 2012

Reviewed by Randstostipher "tallnlankyrn" Nguyen for

Nicolette Spicer, or Nick, has always been a tomboy, and wasn't ashamed of it. She was proud of the way she dressed and carried herself and she was proud at how well she did at basketball. But Nick's feelings about herself begin to change when she literally bumps into Ben, the new guy at school. Who knew he could be so cute up close?

Now Nick begins to crush on Ben, but there seems to be one little problem. It looks like Ben only goes for the types of girls who are completely into the way they look and the latest fashions. Girls like Hannah, who just so happens to also be on the basketball team -- but who is also pretty, Nick's enemy, and definitely the one Ben would go out with. Nick knows nothing about fashion and hasn't really cared about the way she looks, but she's determined to have Ben notice her girly side, and hopefully have him choose her over Hannah.

The only way Nick can accomplish this is to get a makeover, and she needs one quick so she can make her big debut as a girly girl at Hannah's party, which Ben will just so happen to be attending. But will this makeover be totally beneficial in helping Nick to get Ben? Or will it just make her feel even worse about herself?

Words just can't describe how hilarious and entertaining HOW TO BE A GIRLY GIRL IN JUST TEN DAYS was. Lisa Papademetriou shows us that sometimes being yourself is more worth it and definitely less time-consuming than a makeover. This is the perfect quick read for anyone who just wants to sit back and relax.



2 reviews10 followers

February 4, 2012

When I saw the book title, my first impression was this book is going to teach me some tips and stuff to be a girly girl but when i started to read this book it was about a girl named Nicolette Spicer ( her friends called her "Nick") who was a tomboy all the time. Her friends would focus on fashion and loved shopping she would rather have a new basketball shirt for a her next basketball practice. All this changes when she met a cute boy called Ben and decides to be a girly girl to get Ben's attention. Then a school has a big party jut ten days away and Nick's friend Lindsay suggests a magazine-article-inspired makeover, seems to be the perfect solution. But Nick worried if she could still be herself when she turns into a girly girl...... for the ones who haven't read this book this will be about the summary of the story, please find out the ending yourself. I recommend this book for young adults. :)


847 reviews15 followers

November 19, 2013

I read the back cover of this and decided this was EXACTLY what my child needed! Let's face it, the little ones need to learn how to wear a training bra, lip gloss, and mascara if you want to lay an inviting tender trap for a man.

Now my son is gay, and not just a little gay, he's the gayest gay in third grade. Thanks Papademetriou.


6 reviews1 follower

February 25, 2009

I was reading this book. Got to like the 10th pg. So I abbandend it, because there were so many other books i could of read!! I liked it but... I just didn't like it!!


4 reviews

April 21, 2009

this was the first book i read of the candy apple books and it was amazing korbyn always thought i was weird for reading it but i got her to read them and now she loves them

Megan B.(:

12 reviews

November 21, 2011

This book was ok. It was too girly though.


261 reviews35 followers

June 10, 2016

I find it funny that I read a book like this when I was younger. I don't regret it though. Maybe I needed some sort of guide when I was a kid to learn how to be a girly girl.

    borrowed childrens

Brooklyn O'Brien

2 reviews

March 12, 2013

Hello, How to be a girly girl in just 10 days dosen't intrest me.It dosen't tell you how to be a girly girl and its all about a boy I didn't bother reading the whole lot.


17 reviews

February 14, 2020

The book “How To Be A Girly Girl in Just Ten Days” is about these two girls who try to step it up onto being all preppy and all girly and trying to be popular instead of being tomboys. So they try to challenge themselves into being girly and she only being all girly for a guy name Ben and Ben is only into popular girly girls so Nicolette best friend Lindsay recommended a makeover to get Ben to like her. When she tried to be all girly boys didn’t really like her that way as long she acts like a girl and is one so she should t change for no one. I think the authors message to this book it to never change who you are and be yourself don’t change for anybody. Also Nicolette shouldn’t change to be a girl she should be who she likes to be a tomboy she likes to dress as a tomboy and that should be okay. I recommend this book because it’s telling how you should change for anybody and be yourself I rate this book a 5.

(C) Archer at KIPP

46 reviews1 follower

March 12, 2008

Well I’m still reading the book How to Be a Girly Girl in Just Ten Days (Candy Apple) but I am almost done with it. I really didn't like the beginning at first. She was so into sports and she was always dirty. I thought she would never be able to get that guy to like her. It started to get interesting when she got her "girly-girl" makeover. After that I couldn't put the book down. Even thought I didn't see her in real life, I could still imagine that she looked beautiful. The main reason she is getting this makeover is to get a boy to like her. She thinks he likes the preppy girls like Hannah, but I don't know yet, I'll have to finish the book.
I would rate this book a 10 because it kept me reading and I didn’t want to put the book down at any time. I also rate it a 10 because I had a friend once that was into all these sports, and then she wanted to become all preppy and clean. So I and my friends helped her out. Now she is cleaner than all of us. Well I will recommend this book to any girl that hasn’t read it. It is very interesting and I promise you will love it.



248 reviews

July 17, 2018

The message of the book is clearly that we shouldn't change ourselves for anyone because they won't like us for who we truly are. It turns out in the end that the boys like them anyone and they didn't have to go through all the makeovers and etc. That message is good for pre-teens to learn but I honestly didn't get that message as a kid and subtly changed myself to relate more to my crushes but whatever. They don't even truly show the steps of how they became "girly girls", but I guess the title is to attract the girls who are insecure about being masculine and not liking the same things that girls are "supposed" to like. This kind of fed into my toxic masculinity as a child though. I used to hate pink, dresses, skirts and makeup that I made the girls who did like those things insecure. I don't truly understand how I thought that way, but I'm glad that I accepted that it's okay to like whatever you like whether it's more masculine or feminine and to not judge others for what they like.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Sophia Zhu

13 reviews

March 4, 2011

the other day i was going through's sbookself and saw this book. it reminded me of the book i read last time called baby sitter wars. they are both by candy apple. basiclly this book is about Nicolette Spicer who meets this new guy. she really likes him she he dosent seem to notice her. girly girls are more his type. her best friend wanted to help her out so she suggested that nick should get a makeover. she goes shopping, puts on makeup, and takes online girl quizes. he finally seems to notice her and they go out sometimes. then one day he came up to her and kind of hinted he liked the old her better. she changed back and it was all okay.

i think this book is weird but good at the same time. the only thing i don't understand is how someone would change so much for someone they like. nick almost seem to lose her own self while going through this process. the end was good, they became a couple. i would recommend this book for younger readers or slow ones like me.

Kai Yi

54 reviews


April 19, 2009

Every girl in this world have a different style that they go with and feel comfortable to, just like Nicolette Spicer, her friends calls her Nock. Yea she is a tomboy, but there are times that girls will fall on love and they will change for them. Nick/ Nicolette met this cute guy name Ben and for her to get his notice she thinks she has to turn into a girly girl. so her friend suggested that she could get a makeover. But does the guy, Ben really likes her the girly way or the way that she is like right now.

to me a girl shouldn't change her for a boy because its only a boy, there are much more things in this world for them to be fighting for. and if the boy really likes the girl, they wouldn't really care what they look like or how they act.

this book teaches us a lesson, but what lesson?

Erika Vazquez

6 reviews

January 15, 2015

This book was a great book a young girl thinks she sould change for a guy but serious you don't well thats my opinion. Nicolette Spicer a.k.a Nick to her best friends. Nick tries to change he tomboy to a girly girl like Hannah. When a new hottie named Ben moves in she wants the info on him. Her best friend who is a theater geek knows it all. While they are busy getting ready to get ready for a party they have a small help from Lindsey's older sisters they LOVE the makeovers they get but others don't. Like Alex, Nicks twin brother has a secret crush on lindsey as well as lindsey on him. After Nick sees Hannah and Ben hanging out together, Nick starts to think they are togeher. In the end Nick finds out that Hannahs dad and Bens mom are going to get married she thinks it makes more sense. It all ends with Nick, Lindsey, Alex, And Ben having ice cream.


37 reviews1 follower

October 20, 2013

In the book "How to be a Girly Girl in just ten days" is about a girl named Nick (Nicolette) who doesn't like boys. At least she used too. Until she met Ben Renolyds. A cute boy who only likes girly girls! ( like Hannah, a popular girly girl) and worse, Hannahs throwing a party... and Ben's going to be there! Nick and her best friend Lindsay must find the perfect outfits to go to that party or what will Ben think of Nick? This book is hilarious and sweet in the same way. I have read the series Confectionately Yours by Lisa P and I think she has really outdone her self in this book. Whoever likes comedy, read this book!



128 reviews3 followers

January 3, 2014

This book is pretty good the thing I do not like and this is the reason I gave this book 3 stars is that this book is meant for kids and in the chapters they are talking about how to get a boy when the kids are only like 8 or 9! This book is very fun and cool but they give advice that encourages doing things that only teens should do and until the end of the book they encourage the makeup and changing who you are even though who you are lis great! I think they should make this book longer only because I want to see more about what happened to nick and Ben but besides those things I think the work they put into the book was pretty much totally worth it!

Yan cao

28 reviews

December 17, 2010

December 16, 2010
This book is about, Nick. She is the main character in How to be a Girly Girl in Just 10 Days, and before the start of the book, she's never given a thought to how she looks, much less boys. When a cute boy she's never met comes up to her, it's love at first sight, and Nick has ten days to get a total makeover and impress him. His name was Ben and he was extremely nice. Nick then asks her best friend, Lindsay to teach her how to be a girl. The race to get Ben's heart was on! It was up to Nick to make the chooses.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


Amber B

15 reviews1 follower

December 17, 2009

I like this book because she has all these friends that are all girly girls but she is a tomma boy and she has a crush on a boy that only really likes girls who act like girls. What happens is she and her friends take her to the mall and then they get her all these girl things then she becomes a girl and they date it is a really good book.



28 reviews

December 29, 2009

I gave this book a 2 because it didn't really interest me like any other candy apple books would have. I like books that is suspenseful or touching and this book has neither. I recommend this book to girls who likes girly books but I'm not a really girly person so this book don't interest me, AT ALL.


32 reviews

February 11, 2012

This was a very entertaining book.Nick or Nickollete was VERY boyish. She loved sports and getting dirty. But when she spots an attractive young boy her age.Then she decides to dump her boyish look.She lets her friend give herself a girlish look.The end is like a moral.Don't change yourslf for someone else.Your fine the way you are.It was kind of funny and very cool.

How to Be a Girly Girl in Just Ten Days (Candy Apple #4… (2024)


How to be a girly girl in ten days? ›

With the biggest party of the school year just ten days away, Nick is in a crunch. But when her best friend Lindsay suggests a magazine-article-inspired makeover, it seems like the perfect solution. But can Nick change her looks and still be herself?

How to become a girly girl? ›

Be friendly and polite towards everyone.

Be nice to everyone you meet. Look them in the eye, introduce yourself if you don't know them, and address them by name. Ask how they're doing, and if you are able to help someone with anything, offer to do it!

How does a girly girl act? ›

Being girly is about being confident and strong, compassionate and authentic. It's to never stop dreaming and believing in ourselves, seeking out our passions, celebrating our successes, differences, and growing from our struggles.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.