How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (2024)

Makeup has a long-standing association with the concept of beauty, and women have been using makeup for decades to enhance their features. Trends may come and go but using products to achieve the naturalor the no-makeup makeup look never goes out of style. In fact, a lot of celebrities in today's era prefer neutral and barely-there makeup looks, it's all about perfecting your natural skin and wearing minimal makeup. Because let's all agree there’s no makeup product really that can replicate pure, organic beauty.

Being in important positions of considerable responsibility, from being a mother, a housewife, an artist, a CEO, an entrepreneur, a professor, defence personnel, to be in just about any and every occupation possible, women these days rarely are able to find extra time on their hands to even put on any makeup. One, however, does feel the need to look their very best at all times though. Are you here looking for an answer to how to look beautiful sans makeup? You've come to the right place, we have made a list of certain habits that you could develop, if you haven’t already, in your drive towards being beautiful, makeup or not.

  • Tip 1. Eat Right
  • Tip 2. Get Enough Sleep
  • Tip 3. Skincare
  • Tip 4. Stay happy, stay poised
  • Tip 5. Use sunscreen every day
  • Tip 6. Drink green tea
  • Tip 7. Avoid junk food
  • Tip 8. Exercise regularly
  • Tip 9. Drink enough water
  • Tip 10. Invest in a night cream
  • Tip 11. Treat yourself to face massages regularly
  • Tip 12. Invest in basic dietary supplements
  • Tip 13. Use DIY face masks
  • Tip 14. Groom yourself well
  • Tip 15. Treat pimples the right way
  • FAQs on how to look beautiful

Tip 1. Eat Right

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (1)

The phrase ‘You are what you eat!’ just couldn’t be repeated oft enough. Ensuring that your body gets all the nutrients it needs, and in adequate quantities are the very foundation of having healthy and glowing skin. Opt for a wholesome, nutritious diet that includes foods rich in protein (such as beans, legumes, soy products, dairy products, especially yoghurt and cheese, and meat products), vitamins A, C, and E (carrots, sweet potatoes and greens like kale and spinach are rich in Vitamin-A, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin-C, and foods like almonds, spinach and bell peppers are rich in Vitamin-E), and Omega-3 fatty acids (such as cold-water fatty fish, nuts like walnuts and seeds like flaxseed and chia seeds).

Most of the skin-related issues are the result of not having a proper and adequate diet, unhealthy and irregular eating habits and not exercising enough to make sure that your body gets the benefits of all it consumes. Follow a proper diet and stay away, as much as possible, from junk food and you’ll soon notice the improvement in your skin’s health and texture. With the kind of glow you’ll be seeing on your face, it would be really hard to miss, we think. And don’t forget to stay hydrated by drinking ample amounts of water and juices either. Not only does water help flush out toxins from your body, and especially your skin, but it also helps replenish skin tissue, improves skin elasticity and reduces inflammation, giving you healthy, youthful-looking and glowing skin. Is how to look beautiful is the principal question on your mind? Then go on, snack and sip right!

Tip 2. Get Enough Sleep

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (2)

Apart from the fact that sleep provides your mind and body with some rest (and takes you on a joyride to dreamland), getting adequate sleep is extremely essential to the health of your skin as well. Although the story of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ might be quite a bit of an exaggeration, the idea of beauty sleep is certainly no myth.

Did you know?

While you are asleep, your body produces a number of different hormones and balances them (the human growth hormone, responsible for keeping your skin looking youthful and radiant, in the first three hours, the hormone melatonin, which acts as an antioxidant, in the next couple of hours, and in the next three hours during the REM stage, the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, get decreased considerably).

As for how to look beautiful without makeup, ensuring that your body gets at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is crucial to maintaining the health of your skin. Not only does your body balance its hormonal levels better when you’re sleeping, but it also balances your body’s hydration levels to act as a natural moisturizer for your skin by perspiring more. Not sleeping for an adequate amount of time every day also causes your blood vessels to dilate to a certain extent, resulting in dark circles and puffy eyes (definitely not something you’d want to deal with). The reduction in stress caused by getting sufficient sleep also helps maintain the integrity of the protein collagen in your body, important for keeping the elasticity of your skin intact. So make sure you keep your phone aside in the night (you can read the rest of the article in the morning if it is already past your bedtime), get inside those comfy blankets for your all-important beauty sleep and wake up to fresh, glowing skin in the morning!

Tip 3. Skincare

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (3)

Adopting the right skincare routine can make a world of difference to the health of your skin. Cleansing, Toning, Moisturising, and Exfoliation (CTME) are the very essentials of any skincare routine, no matter your skin type. Ideally, one ought to wash their face no more or less than twice in the day, one time before going to bed, since it helps clear away all the dirt, oil, bacteria or any residual makeup tinges that your face might have accumulated over the span of the entire day, and once after waking up in the morning, since that helps cleanse the oil that builds up on your face overnight. Toning, on the other hand, aids in this process by removing any remaining dirt or dead skin cells from your face, while also helping to maintain its pH balance.

Moisturising is another important step in your skincare routine since it helps keep your skin well-hydrated by locking in all the moisture in the outermost layers of your skin. Even for people with oily skin, moisturizing is essential since the skin cells underneath all that oil need adequate hydration and nourishment as well. Try to opt for toners and moisturizers that have active ingredients such as Vitamin-E or hydroxy acids that catalyze your skin’s journey to good health and glow. Exfoliation is the process of scrubbing off all the dirt and dead skin cells from your skin, so as to leave you with breathable, fresh-looking and glowing skin. Lastly, and perhaps most important as well, if you’re wondering about how to look beautiful without makeup as well, one tip would be to never go to bed with your makeup on. Use the CTME routine to ensure that your skin can breathe well through the night, so that it wakes up all fresh, gorgeous and glowing.

Tip 4. Stay happy, stay poised

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (4)

All of the tips and tricks mentioned above won’t really matter if you’re taking enormous amounts of stress, and aren’t maintaining proper hygiene. Staying happy and stress-free is just about the most straightforward, yet often also the most difficult to achieve, way to look and be beautiful.

Did you know maintaining proper hygiene, both facial and otherwise can help you go a long way in your path towards achieving that flawlessly natural appearance? So stay spruced and light up the world around you with a smile! Instead of worrying so much about how to look beautiful, go ahead and ‘BeBeautiful

Tip 5. Use sunscreen every day

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (5)

The UVA and UVB rays coming from the sun are far more damaging for your skin than anything else. It can cause premature aging, sun spots, damage the protective layer of the skin and lead to serious problems like skin cancer. Even when you are indoors, UVB rays can penetrate through the glass and cause skin problems. This is why it is necessary to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day, even when you are indoors for maximum protection.

Some skin types can find sunscreen to be very greasy and sticky, especially those with oily skin. But that doesn't mean you skip this important skincare product. Look for a gel formula that gives a matte finish or one that is specially formulated for oily skin types, this will prevent your face from looking shiny and greasy. You can easily wear makeup on top of your sunscreen, however, make sure you reapply sunscreen every few hours to stay protected.

Tip 6. Drink green tea

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (6)

Over the last few years, green tea has become quite popular all around the world. Apart from being an excellent drink for those trying to lose weight, this antioxidant-rich ingredient also has a lot of benefits for the skin. A great detoxifying formula, it flushes toxins out of the body, thereby improving gut health and fewer skin concerns. In fact, some skincare products today are formulated with the goodness of green tea, as its soothing and calming properties tackle a number of skin problems.

If you haven't already, add green tea to your grocery list and have a minimum of 2 cups everyday for clear skin and a healthy body. What's more, the used tea bags can be reused to get rid of puffy eyes and dark circles. Simply store the used tea bags in the refrigerator and keep them on closed eyes to relax and rejuvenate. Avoid adding sugar to your green tea, if you can't drink it plain add a spoon of honey.

Tip 7. Avoid junk food

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (7)

Junk food may be quite tempting, it is a quick and easy on-the-go meal option and a lot of people depend on it because of their busy schedules. But these harmless-looking burgers, pizzas, french fries, doughnuts can majorly affect your health and overall appearance. Deep-fried and processed food should be avoided as much as possible if you want clear skin naturally. Put a stop to sugar-rich foods and embrace wholesome fruits and vegetables.

Carry salads or home-packed food to work to prevent ordering out and ending up eating unnecessary junk food. A balance of proteins, veggies and fruits is ideal for anyone trying to achieving healthy and clear skin. Avoid smoking and alcohol too as these two habits are bad for the health of your skin.

Tip 8. Exercise regularly

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (8)

Apart from keeping you fit and healthy, regular exercise has a lot of benefits for your skin as well. The main reason why physical activity benefits your skin is that it helps improve blood circulation. This in turn delivers essential vitamins and nutrients to your skin to make it appear healthy and glowing.

You don’t need to indulge in heavy exercises, the main thing is to be consistent. Do whatever it is that you enjoy; be it cycling, walking, swimming, gymming, etc. Exercise also plays a major role in alleviating your mood and reducing stress, which is very essential when it comes to clearing acne and other oxidative damage.

Tip 9. Drink enough water

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (9)

This is an absolute no brainer. Irrespective of your skin concerns, drinking enough water is non-negotiable. Water is a great way to keep your skin hydrated and conditioned from within. Additionally, it helps in flushing out the toxins from your system, which helps to clear out your skin and makes it appear radiant. Additionally, water delivers your skin with lots of oxygen, which in turn helps to keep your skin glowing.

Drinking about eight to 10 glasses of water everyday helps to improve skin’s elasticity by keeping it properly moisturized and conditioned from inside. This is a great way to prevent premature ageing, fine lines, wrinkles and puffiness. If you cannot meet your usual count of glasses, think of fun yet healthy ways of drinking enough water. Green tea, fruit juices, infused water are some interesting ways to up your water content levels and in turn ensure that your skin looks amazing.

Tip 10. Invest in a night cream

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (10)

That moisturiser is an extremely part of your skincare if you want your skin to look flawless is common knowledge. But to really improve your skin and get rid of imperfections, you need to invest in a good quality night cream. This is because your skin rejuvenates, repairs and replenishes itself in the night while you sleep, and a night cream really helps your skin do this a lot of better. The potent ingredients in the night cream coupled with the moisturizing properties are extremely important to keep your skin looking flawless throughout the day.

A night cream should be the last step in your skincare routine. When buying a night cream, take into consideration your skin type and skin concerns and then look for a product that specifically addresses those concerns. This will ensure that your skin gets exactly what it needs to repair and rejuvenate itself, thereby making you look beautiful even without an ounce of makeup.

Tip 11. Treat yourself to face massages regularly

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (11)

If you treat facial massages as a luxury, then maybe it’s time you reconsider that thought. Getting regular facial messages is not only relaxing but also has many benefits for the skin. It tones the face muscles well, giving you an even complexion while also reducing signs of ageing. Regularly massaging your face eliminates toxins, giving it a smoother texture.

If your skin is prone to acne, then you must definitely schedule regular facial massage appointments because massaging flushes out toxins and keeps the skin’s pores clean. This helps to keep acne at bay and improves complexion, thus helping to face acne scars.

Tip 12. Invest in basic dietary supplements

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (12)

We all know that what we eat reflects on our skin. After the festive season, have you noticed how your skin health gets worse? Eating excessive junk food and consuming sugary drinks constantly causes that. To keep your skin healthy and glowing, consuming a diet rich in vegetables and fruits is vital, no doubt about that. However, supporting your healthy diet with supplements can be helpful. There is a connection between the gut and the skin, and when you nourish the gut with targeted nutrients, you can influence the health of the skin.

To boost your skin’s health, Vitamins A, C, and E play a vital role. Supplements containing these vitamins are very beneficial. Vitamin B and zinc are anti-inflammatory and have a high amount of antioxidants, so consuming supplements rich in these help to keep the skin healthy.

Tip 13. Use DIY face masks

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (13)

Easy to use and fun as well, face masks are the perfect way to care for and pamper your skin. Making DIY masks at home would be great because you could choose the ingredients you want to address the specific concerns ailing your skin. Apart from deep cleansing your face and removing impurities and oil from the face, using a face mask is super relaxing and is the best form of skincare. Using face masks regularly also gives your skin a beautiful radiance by stimulating blood circulation. In conclusion, face masks are the perfect way to give your skin some pampering at home with ingredients you have, so make sure you regularly rejuvenate your face with them.

Tip 14. Groom yourself well

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (14)

Keeping yourself groomed is essential to look your best. After all, don’t you love taking care of every bit of your skin thoroughly? Apart from the regular manicures and pedicures, look after your eyebrows. They frame your face and make it look great. Make regular waxing appointments and get rid of excess hair if it matters to you. Keep yourself clean and kempt.

Tip 15. Treat pimples the right way

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (15)

Pimples and acne are natural, and some go through it more than others; however, there’s no need to fret. Instead of squeezing them and touching them, opt for gentler methods to treat them. Using face wash with salicylic acid can help avoid pimples and acne. You can also use retinol or tea tree oil on the zits. These can help to treat pimples without leaving a scar. When it comes to pimples, having patience is key.

FAQs on how to look beautiful

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (16)

1) How to make skin look beautiful naturally?

A. Follow a good skincare routine and massage your face using a good facial oil. Coconut, olive and argan oil are excellent for the skin.

2) How to get glowing skin overnight?

A. There is no product or trick that will give you glowing skin overnight. However, exfoliating can remove the layer of dead skin cells that often makes the skin appear dull.

3) What should I eat to look beautiful?

A. Include a lot of fresh fruits and veggies in your diet, drink at least 8 glasses of water every day and sip on green tea to remove toxins from the body.

How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin (2024)


How to Look Beautiful—Simple Tips to Ace Natural Skin? ›

Good hygiene helps build a foundation for external beauty. Brushing your teeth, showering, removing unwanted hair, and tending to your skin helps keep you looking and feeling your best every day. Feeling good on the inside helps you look good on the outside.

How to make yourself prettier? ›

Good hygiene helps build a foundation for external beauty. Brushing your teeth, showering, removing unwanted hair, and tending to your skin helps keep you looking and feeling your best every day. Feeling good on the inside helps you look good on the outside.

How do you look really pretty? ›

Take care of yourself! Get 8+ hours of sleep at night, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, bathe often, and ensure your hair, nails, and teeth are well-groomed. Build your confidence with positive affirmations. Practice accepting compliments and don't compare yourself to others; act confident even when you're not.

How can I get perfect looks? ›

Give yourself plenty of time to get ready in the morning and don't skimp on your hygiene routine. Wear clean clothes that fit you well and reflect your personal style. Try to be a positive and kind person who greets everyone with a smile. Act confident since this can make a big impact on your attractiveness.

How can I look so much beautiful? ›

To look and feel your best, make sure that you're staying hydrated, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising. Practicing good hygiene can also be a big help, like maintaining good haircare habits, following a good skincare routine, and wearing sunscreen.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.