Mouth-Watering Vegan Kelp Noodles Recipe (2024)

Who knew something as simple as Vegan Kelp Noodles could be so satisfying? They're not bland, but tasty... and they fit right into your vegan lifestyle.

Mouth-Watering Vegan Kelp Noodles Recipe (1)

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This Vegan Kelp noodles recipe is the best thing to be discovered since sliced bread. No kidding, I’m still quite sad that I didn’t find it soon enough.

These healthy and low-carbohydrate noodles are rich in iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, and B vitamins. Plus, they are low in calories, making them a good alternative for those trying to start a keto diet.

Kelp noodles come in spaghetti or angel hair pasta style strands, making them easy to use, just like regular pasta or rice noodles! So you won’t feel like you’re missing out when trying to cut down your caloric intake.

It’s healthy, vegan friendly and quick to make.

The best thing about this vegan kelp noodles is that it’s healthy! Kelp noodles are gluten-free, so those with celiac disease or wheat intolerance can enjoy them.

Plus if you struggle with hormonal imbalance, eating these noodles are a great way to keep things in check. These delicious seaweed noodles are also a great source of protein, making them an excellent choice for people looking to add more protein to their diet.

For this kelp noodles, I decided to keep things easy. Thus, if it’s your first time preparing these noodles, you can feel confident that you will do just fine.

Mouth-Watering Vegan Kelp Noodles Recipe (2)

Ingredients For Vegan Kelp Noodles Recipe

  • Mixed Vegetables: You can choose any vegetables, so long as they are bite-sized. I like to use green beans, cauliflower, broccoli florets (the same amount of each), and some chopped bell peppers, but you could also try celery sticks or similar cooked vegetables. I’m going to be honest with you: these veggies don’t add any flavor of their own. But they do give the noodles some texture and bulk and make them look much more appetizing!
  • Kelp Noodles: They have a slightly seaweedy taste that can take some getting used to, but once you’ve gotten past the initial shock of gnawing on something that looks like a snake, kelp noodles add an interesting flavor and texture element to any meal (especially if you’re trying to eat more plant-based foods).
  • Baking Soda & Lemon Juice: Baking soda and lemon juice are used to make the kelp noodles soft. The baking soda will produce a chemical reaction that helps remove some of the sulfur compounds, which are responsible for the strong smell of seaweed (you don’t want your food to smell like seaweed). The lemon juice has an acidic property that can further help soften up these noodles.
  • Sauce Mixture: The sauce mixture is a simple blend of ingredients, making it easy to prepare. The main ingredient in this sauce mixture is soy sauce, which provides the necessary flavor to make your noodles taste delicious. Don’t freak out with the many ingredients used in this sauce mixture. Kelp noodles are often very bland and the sauce mixture adds a lot of flavors.
  • Onion: For some extra flavor.
  • Oil: To saute the vegetables.

How to Prepare Vegan Kelp Noodles

To make this vegan kelp noodles, you would first need to prep the kelp noodles by combining the baking soda with lime juice and stirring in the kelp noodle. Once it softens up, drain the mixture and wash off any excess with water. Add a little bit of the sauce mixture and leave to marinate for about 5 minutes.

To a large pan on medium heat, add some olive oil, chopped red onions, and mixed veggies. Sautee the veggies until it softens. Add in the rest of your sauce mixture and leave to cook until the veggies fully absorb the sauce. Then stir in your marinated kelp noodles and simmer for about 5 minutes on low heat.

Serve and Enjoy.

The Best Kelp Noodles

This kelp noodles recipe has so much to offer, and they’re a great alternative for those who are trying to cut down on carbs. Kelp noodles are also extremely healthy, with their high fiber content and low-calorie count. If you want to make these mouthwatering noodles at home for yourself or your family, just follow these simple steps!

Mouth-Watering Kelp Noodles Recipe

These kelp noodles have so much to offer, and they’re a great alternative for those who are trying to cut down on carbs.

Total Time50 minutes mins

Course: Main Course

Cuisine: Chinese

Servings: 2 people

Calories: 356kcal

Author: Eleanor


  • 2 cups mixed veggies - broccoli florets, cauliflower florets, green beans, and red bell pepper
  • 2 tbsps olive oil
  • 1 small onion - diced
  • 12 oz kelp noodles
  • 1 tbsp baking soda
  • 1 lemon - freshly squeezed
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon - ground
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp allspice
  • ½ tsp ginger - ground
  • 1 tsp garlic - minced
  • ½ tsp cayenne pepper
  • 2 tbsps maple syrup - or brown sugar
  • ¼ tsp nutmeg
  • ½ tsp black pepper
  • ½ tsp thyme
  • 1 tbsps balsamic vinegar
  • 3 tbsps soy sauce - low sodium


Making the Sauce Mixture

  • In a small bowl, combine soy sauce, balsamic vinegarette, nutmeg, black pepper, thyme, brown sugar, ground ginger, allspice, cayenne pepper, minced garlic, salt, and cinnamon. Set aside.

Prepping the Kelp Noodles

  • Combine the baking soda with lime juice in a small bowl and stir in the kelp noodles. Once it softens up, drain the mixture and wash the noodles with water. Make sure to thoroughly wash the noodles to remove any excess baking soda mixture.

  • Next, add a little bit of the sauce mixture to the noodles and leave to marinate for about 5 minutes.

Cooking The Noodles

  • To a large pan on medium heat, add some olive oil, chopped red onions, and mixed veggies. Sautee the veggies until it softens.

  • Add in the rest of your sauce mixture and leave to cook until the veggies fully absorb the sauce.

  • Stir in your marinated kelp noodles and simmer for about 5 minutes on low heat.

  • Serve and Enjoy!

About eleanor

Eleanor is a Chemical Engineer, Recipe Developer, and Life Coach who has dedicated the past six years to exploring the realms of food and wellness. She excels in crafting wholesome recipes and offering wellness advice that enhances well-being.

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4 Responses

  1. I would like to eat this pasta today


  2. Hi, what is the measurement for brown sugar ? It was not listed in ingredients?


    1. Hey Carmen, you can use maple syrup or brown sugar. I have added it to the notes in the ingredients list.

  3. Mouth-Watering Vegan Kelp Noodles Recipe (6)
    I tried making kelp noodles in the past and it was bland. Many recipes out there don’t use many ingredients so my dish often came out tasteless. I was skeptical about making this since you used cinnamon. But I tried it and it was delicious. I made it with some tofu and I loved it. Thanks


Mouth-Watering Vegan Kelp Noodles Recipe (2024)
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