Newborn baths: When and how often to bathe a newborn (2024)

Your baby's first bath is an exciting – if slightly nerve-wracking– newborn milestone. While not all newborns appreciate a bath, splashing around will most likely eventually become enjoyable for both of you. As babies get older, baths can become a fun and relaxing part of their bedtime routine.

Baby baths are relatively straightforward once you get the hang of them, but there are a few basics to keep in mind for your child's health and safety. That's especially true in the first few weeks after birth, and as your baby transitions to the baby tub and the big tub.

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Read on to learn baby bath basics, including how and when to bathe a newborn and older baby.

When can I give my newborn a bath?

Experts now recommend waiting to give your newborn their first bath until 24 hours after birth (or at least 6 hours, if you need to bathe them earlier for cultural reasons). Doing so helps to prevent a drop in your baby's body temperature and blood sugar, avoids drying out their skin, and supports bonding and breastfeeding.

Until your baby's umbilical cord stump falls off, which usually happens within the first three weeks of birth, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends giving your baby sponge baths. That's because keeping the stump clean and dry helps to prevent infection as it heals.

For the same reason, you'll want to skip full-body baths for circumcised newborn boys. If circumcision isn't done immediately after birth, avoid immersion baths for the first two days after the procedure.

You can bathe your baby at any time of the day, depending on what works best for both of you. Some parents make newborn baths part of a stimulating morning routine, while others find it's a calming way to wind down at night before bed.

Try to choose a time when your baby is in a good mood and you're not rushed. Also, avoid giving your baby a bath immediately after a feeding, to give them time to digest.

How to give your newborn a sponge bath

Until your newborn is ready for full-body baths, give them sponge baths:

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  • Fill a basin with warm water, then wrap your baby in a towel and lie them on a comfortable surface. Always keep one hand on your baby and your baby covered with a towel.
  • Dip a clean washcloth in the water and clean their face, starting at the bridge of the nose and wiping over their eyes. Clean the outer folds of the ear with a corner of the washcloth (avoid cotton swabs).
  • Use the washcloth to wipe the rest of your baby's body from the neck down, only uncovering the parts of the body you're cleaning. You don't need to use soap – it can be drying for sensitive newborn skin. If you do, use a mild, moisturizing soap made for babies.

For little messes like milk dribbles on your newborn's chin or neck, you can spot-clean with a damp washcloth. Once or twice a day, wipe down your baby's face, neck, and hands, as well as the folds of their skin (thighs, armpits) as needed. And thoroughly clean their genital area with wipes after each diaper change.

Many newborns have scaly, peeling skin on their scalp – a harmless condition known as cradle cap. It won't bother your baby, and it's perfectly fine to leave it alone until it goes away on its own. But if it really bothers you, you can try to remove the scales by washing your baby's hair with baby shampoo and gently passing a soft-bristled brush over your baby's scalp.

How often to bathe a newborn

Give your newborn a bath two or three times a week. Newborns don't sweat like adults or get dirty like toddlers, so frequent baths aren't a necessity. Plus, bathing your baby too often can dry out their delicate skin. Of course, more frequent baths may be in order when your baby starts eating solids and crawling!

Some babies find the warm water very soothing. If this is the case with your little one, let them linger in the tub and make a bath part of your daily routine.

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Others cry through the whole bath. If your newborn protests, go back to sponge baths for a week or two and try again later. Otherwise, it's fine to get them in and out quickly. Baths don't need to take a lot of time: A few minutes is long enough to get your baby clean before the water cools down.

How to bathe a newborn

Bathing your newborn in the tub may feel a little scary at first. Handling a wiggling, wet, and soapy little person takes practice and confidence. Here's what to do:

  1. Gather all your bath supplies (including mild soap, a washcloth or two, a cup for rinsing, towel, diaper, and fresh outfit), and lay them out within reaching distance of your bathtub. You may also want to have diaper rash cream and/or baby lotion nearby.
  2. Fill a baby bathtub with about 2 inches of water that feels warm, but not hot, to the inside of your wrist.
  3. Bring your baby to the bath area and undress them completely, then put them in the bath immediately so they don't get cold. Use one hand to support your baby's head and the other hand to guide their feet in first. Pour bath water over your newborn regularly during the bath so they don't get too cold. Keeping a warm, wet washcloth over your newborn's body may help them feel secure.
  4. Always keep one hand on your baby. Never leave your baby alone, not even for a second. If you need to answer the door or get forgotten bathing supplies, wrap your baby in a towel and bring them with you.
  5. Start by washing your baby's eyes using a wet washcloth, moving from the bridge of the nose outward, then wipe down the rest of your baby's face and the outer folds of the ear (don't use cotton swabs).
  6. Wet your baby's head and rub mild baby soap or shampoo into their scalp using your washcloth. Rinse carefully, keeping the water from running into your baby's face and eyes.
  7. Use the washcloth to gently wipe off the rest of your baby's body from the top down, including between their fingers, under their arms, in leg creases, in the diaper area, and between their toes. Use soap sparingly if at all, as it can dry out your baby's skin, and don't rub or tug at skin. (Learn more about caring for your baby's body.)
  8. Rinse your baby thoroughly with cupfuls of water from the tub.
  9. Very carefully lift your baby out of the tub with one hand supporting their neck and head and the other hand supporting their bottom.
  10. Wrap your baby in a towel, being sure to cover their head, and pat them dry. The AAP recommends applying an unscented baby lotion after the bath to help prevent dry skin and eczema. You can also apply diaper rash cream if necessary.
  11. Diaper and dress your baby, and give them a kiss on their sweet little head.

What's the ideal baby bath temperature?

Your baby's bath should feel warm, not hot, to the back of your wrist. Babies like slightly cooler water than adults. If you're using a bath thermometer, aim for around 100 degrees F.

Tips for bathing an older baby

Your baby will be ready to move from a baby tub to a regular bathtub when they're able to sit without support, at around 6 to 8 months old.

Though your older baby is more stable and independent than a newborn, it's still crucial to keep them safe in the tub. Drowning can happen quickly in just an inch or two of water. Always be sure to stay within arm's reach of your baby, and keep bath supplies where you can easily grab them. Never leave your baby unattended for even a moment.

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Bathing can get more challenging when you have an older and more active baby. Giving your baby lots of bath toys – such as containers, foam bath letters, and waterproof blocks – can help keep them entertained while you get them clean. If your child enjoys bathing, don't rush it – this will help them to feel more comfortable in the water.

Use soaps and shampoos sparingly, because they can dry out your baby's delicate skin. Avoid bath oils and bubble bath, which can be especially irritating. In baby girls, sitting in soapy water can lead to vulvovaginitis, irritation of the vulva and vagin*.

One solution is to let your child play at the beginning of the bath, and wash up with soap and shampoo at the end so they aren't sitting in soapy water for an extended period.

How to keep your baby safe during baths

Two-thirds of all drownings in infants under 1 year old happen in bathtubs. Make sure to supervise your baby closely during baths and any other time they're in or near the water.

  • Stay within arm's distance of your baby at all times when they're anywhere near water, including the bathtub.
  • Never leave your baby unsupervised or under the supervision of another child, even for a moment. If you need to leave the bathroom while your child is in the bath, wrap them in a towel and take them with you.
  • Don't let your phone – or anything else – distract you from watching your baby while they're in the bath.
  • Don't use an infant bath seat. They can tip over or your baby can slip out, leading to drowning in just a couple of inches of water.
  • For younger babies, use a baby bathtub that supports your baby and prevents sliding with a sloped, textured surface or a sling. Make sure it meets current safety standards.
  • Don't put your baby into a tub when the water is still running: The water can quickly get too deep or hot.
  • Set your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. A child can get third-degree burns in six seconds at 140 degrees.
  • For older babies and children who use the regular bathtub, childproof your tub. Line the tub with a rubber mat to make it less slippery, and consider putting a cushioned cover over the spout to protect your child's head from bumps.
  • Keep electric appliances (like hair dryers and curling irons) and sharp objects (like scissors) far away from the tub.
  • Teach your older baby or toddler to sit (not stand up) in the tub at all times and to only get out of the bath with your help.
  • Drain the tub immediately after your child's bath, since standing water is a drowning hazard. You may even want to remove the plug and store it out of your child's reach when the bathtub isn't in use.

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Learn more:

  • How to shower with a baby
  • Babyproofing every room of your house
  • The biggest dangers for newborns
Newborn baths: When and how often to bathe a newborn (2024)


Newborn baths: When and how often to bathe a newborn? ›

Fortunately, with a little practice, bathing your baby is simple and only needs to happen two to three times a week, as long as the diaper area is thoroughly cleaned during each diaper change. The first thing to keep in mind is to start off with sponge baths until your baby's umbilical cord stump falls off and heals.

When and how often to bathe a newborn? ›

How often does my newborn need a bath? There's no need to give your newborn baby a bath every day. Three times a week might be enough until your baby becomes more mobile. Bathing your baby too much can dry out your baby's skin.

How often should you bathe a newborn with an umbilical cord? ›

You can safely tub bathe your baby after birth and before the cord falls off. Your baby may be bathed every two to three days with mild baby bathing products. Bathing often can dry your baby's skin. Spot clean areas such as baby's chin and mouth, neck folds, diaper area and creases of the groin each day.

Should you bathe a newborn with just water? ›

Only use plain water for newborn babies. You can start using unperfumed baby bath from about 4 to 6 weeks, but be careful to only use a little so you don't damage your baby's skin. Babies with longer hair may need a drop of mild shampoo on wet hair, lathered and rinsed off.

How often should a baby bathe by age? ›

Once they hit six months, you can start bathing them three to four times a week; you can also bathe them daily if your doctor gives you the go-ahead. And once they become a toddler, you should be bathing (or showering) them daily or every other day. It's best to use warm water for a baby bath or shower.

How to give a 2 week old a bath? ›

Place your baby in the water.

Test the temperature of the water on the inside of your wrist to ensure that it's not too hot. Then, gently guide your baby into the water, feet first. Most of your baby's body should be well above the water, so occasionally pour warm water over your baby's body for warmth.

Why do you have to wait 6 weeks after birth to take a bath? ›

In those first few weeks postpartum, your cervix is still somewhat dilated, regardless of whether you had a vagin*l delivery or a c-section. There's a theory – though no research has confirmed this – that tub water could travel into your uterus, introduce bacteria, and cause an infection.

When can you put lotion on a newborn? ›

In some cases, a pediatrician may recommend postponing the use of lotion on a newborn until they are a few weeks old. This allows the baby's immune system to develop further, lowering the risk of potential irritants or allergens causing harm.

How long can a baby go without a bath? ›

Newborns don't need a bath every day. They rarely sweat or get dirty enough to need a full bath that often. Three baths per week during baby's first year may be enough. Bathing more frequently can dry out your baby's skin.

Do you need to rinse a baby after a bath? ›

Wash your baby's genitals and bottom last. Rinse all of the soap off your baby. Soap left on your baby's skin can be irritating. Squeeze water out of washcloth and onto his or her skin, or use a container to pour water on his or her body.

What not to do when bathing a newborn? ›

Never leave your baby alone in the bath, even for a minute. Babies and children can drown in just a few centimetres of water and should never be left unsupervised in and around water. Fill the bath with comfortably warm water. Check the temperature with your wrist or elbow before placing your baby gently into the bath.

Do you wash a baby's head or body first? ›

To sponge bathe, undress your baby and swaddle them in a towel with the head exposed. Wash your baby's face first, being careful not to get water into their eyes or mouth. Don't use soap on your baby's face. Then wash the rest of your baby's body.

Is it OK to bathe newborn after feeding? ›

It's best not to bathe your baby straight after a feed or when they're hungry or tired. Make sure the room you're bathing them in is warm. Have everything you need at hand: a baby bath or clean washing-up bowl filled with warm water, 2 towels, a clean nappy, clean clothes and cotton wool.

What is the first bath for a newborn? ›

Your baby's first few baths should be sponge baths. As in, using a soapy washcloth to clean them up, rather than putting them in water. Until your baby's umbilical stump falls off, you don't want to get their soon-to-be belly button wet if you don't have to. The stump will come off about two weeks after they're born.

When to give tummy time to a newborn? ›

Most babies can start tummy time sessions a day or two after they are born. Babies benefit from having two or three short (3- to 5-minute) tummy time sessions each day. As your baby gets older, you can have longer, more regular sessions throughout the day.

How often do you feed a newborn? ›

At first, babies need to eat about every 2 to 4 hours to help them get enough nutrition and to grow. This means you may need to wake your baby to feed. You can try patting, stroking, undressing, or changing the diaper to help wake your baby.

How long is the newborn stage? ›

The newborn stage starts at birth and lasts until a baby is somewhere between4 weeks and 12 weeks old, during which a newborn must adjust to the basic changes that have occurred in his or her life. During this stage, most babies will sleep a lot and won't be particularly active.

Can you give a baby a bath right after the cord falls off? ›

Don't put your baby in the tub for a few weeks after he or she is born. It's best to sponge-bathe your infant until the umbilical cord falls off and is completely healed. After that, you can place your baby in the water, making sure to support the head and neck at all times. Your baby doesn't need a bath every day.

How long until the umbilical cord falls off? ›

When your baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut and there is a stump left. The stump should dry and fall off by the time your baby is 5 to 15 days old. Keep the stump clean with gauze and water only. Sponge bathe the rest of your baby, as well.

How often should you wash newborn hair? ›

Most babies only need their hair washed two or three times per week, but it's best to use your parental instinct. You'll know when your child's hair is dirty and could do with a wash. If it doesn't need shampooing, you don't need too, just gently rinse their head with water and a soft flannel.

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