Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (2024)


Torch God
  • May 12, 2024
  • #41

Solarpower said:

Yeah. To get all the players skip that thing and use something else they'll get through other completely in-game methods, like taking the better weapon from the character already beat the game. Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (2)
Are you suggesting Terraria should lock the character to the map and drop map/characters exchange ability to ? In order to your precious "balancing" can actually work ?
Any "balancing" is useless till you can get anything anytime using just the methods the game presents to you !

Oh, Vampire Knives is the weapon I can never understand. Even pre all the nerfs it does literally nothing usefull whenever I've tried to use it. Small damage and HP restore so little you can barely see it and would die in a split seconds if you'll rely on Vampire Knives... Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (3) If anything that thing needs it's buffs. Lots of buffs in every directions.

Sure. That's why we constantly see people ask if somebody's willing to give them Zenith so they'll be able to kill Empress of Light before Moon Lord and "I've start with Zenith" series on YouTube. "nobody" he said... Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (4)

You really, really don't understand how this game works. I am not even gonna continue, I am just gonna say that I am glad someone like you is not a member of Re-Logic.

Also, Vampire Knives are BROKEN, they heal 30 hp per second, thats equal to a greater healing potion every 5 seconds. They are so good that they don't even need a buff at all.


  • May 12, 2024
  • #42

Meowlegend said:

Also, Vampire Knives are BROKEN, they heal 30 hp per second

Sure thing. Don't forget those 10-15 monsters on the screean hitting you with -500 HP per second each. +30 HP is SO HUGE. I just can't even describe how huge it is ! Nerf it ! Drop whatever you are doing and nerf it ! Right now ! Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (6)Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (7)


Duke Fishron
  • May 12, 2024
  • #43

Solarpower said:

Sure thing. Don't forget those 10-15 monsters on the screean hitting you with -500 HP per second each. +30 HP is SO HUGE. I just can't even describe how huge it is ! Nerf it ! Drop whatever you are doing and nerf it ! Right now ! Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (9)Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (10)

Healing potions are completely useless and absolutely never have a place in any build ever and never will I guess. (Vampire knives restore hp 12 times faster than they do)

“Just don’t get hit lol” mfs when some of the bosses and events are too poorly designed to even nohit without cheesing the everloving Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (11) out of them:

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  • May 12, 2024
  • #44

Dapling said:

Healing potions are completely useless and absolutely never have a place in any build ever and never will I guess. (Vampire knives restore hp 12 times faster than they do)

Healing potions can be used after the combat. Vampire Knives can't and useless in combat too. Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (13)


Duke Fishron
  • May 12, 2024
  • #45

Solarpower said:

Healing potions can be used after the combat. Vampire Knives can't and useless in combat too. Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (15)

I thought you took 500 damage per second in combat though if you ever got hit? Which is it? Healing potions can’t heal you if you’re at full hp.

You probably should learn the meaning of the term “consistency” if you want to be taken seriously here.

  • May 12, 2024
  • #46

Dapling said:

I thought you took 500 damage per second in combat though if you ever got hit? Which is it? Healing potions can’t heal you if you’re at full hp.

You probably should learn the meaning of the term “consistency” if you want to be taken seriously here.

So ? You took 500 damage per second, die, respawn, wait till the monsters despawn and continue playing. What's not so consistent in that huh ?

Oh, I know, I know ! I forgot about Spectre armor. Yes ! Another presumably "healing" item that is totally useless... Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (17)


Duke Fishron
  • May 12, 2024
  • #47

Solarpower said:

So ? You took 500 damage per second, die, respawn, wait till the monsters despawn and continue playing. What's not so consistent in that huh ?

alright. Then show instead of telling! If you basically have 1 hp in all bosses and events, then show us this by nohitting everything and providing video evidence of all bosses, no exceptions. Put your damn money where your mouth is. Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (19)


  • May 12, 2024
  • #48

Solarpower said:

So ? You took 500 damage per second, die, respawn, wait till the monsters despawn and continue playing. What's not so consistent in that huh ?

Oh, I know, I know ! I forgot about Spectre armor. Yes ! Another presumably "healing" item that is totally useless... Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (21)

it's true that taking 500 damage per second totally happens everytime on Terraria
seriously this doesn't make any sense


Torch God
  • May 12, 2024
  • #49

Bro I am not gonna lie, while I do agree that Vampire Knives and Spectre Hood are broken, I also question if we really should nerf them. Lifesteal is really, really hard to balance and one mistake can make the items extremely bad. They should be nerfed in the way that they will not be a greater healing potion every 5 seconds, but still be useful healing items.

Solarpower said:

Healing potions can be used after the combat. Vampire Knives can't and useless in combat too. Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (23)

What if I were to tell you that you can defeat Duke fishron with this thing without moving and even make it your main weapon with enough melee gear like Fire Gauntlet, Sharpening station, ichor flasks and Turtle/Beetle armor with full warding accessories until Moon Lord?

Even Red is aware that Vampire Knives and Spectre Hood are broken. he made the Moon Lord immune to lifesteal on purpose. Vampire Knives' healing is so broken that even if they had 1 melee damage, they would still be a SS tier weapon that makes you impossible to die. Basically the same phenomena as the Zenith: Zenith would still be the strongest weapon if it had 1 melee damage.

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Duke Fishron
  • May 12, 2024
  • #50

Meowlegend said:

I also question if we really should nerf them. Lifesteal is really, really hard to balance and one mistake can make the items extremely bad. They should be nerfed in the way that they will not be a greater healing potion every 5 seconds, but still be useful healing items.

Keep the burst cap at 70, but reduce the recovery per second from 30 to 5. This makes them a greater healing potion every 30 seconds instead, and because the burst cap is not reduced you don’t need to be constantly using them to benefit from their healing. You could also reduce it to 4 or even 3 to make it a greater healing potion every 37.5 seconds or 50 seconds respectively. There, easy, and you can safely remove Moonbite from the game once this is done, too!
Lifesteal is not hard to balance at all. Look at Life Drain for example, that’s an item that’s commonly considered both balanced and extremely good.

For those who don’t know, vampire knives actually have a cap of 70 but this cap refills by 30 every second, which basically means that you restore 70 instead of 30 health for the first second you’re using them and then restore 30 health every second after until you switch off them.

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Torch God
  • May 12, 2024
  • #51

Dapling said:

Keep the burst cap at 70, but reduce the recovery per second from 30 to 5. This makes them a greater healing potion every 30 seconds instead, and because the burst cap is not reduced you don’t need to be constantly using them to benefit from their healing. You could also reduce it to 4 or even 3 to make it a greater healing potion every 37.5 seconds or 50 seconds respectively. There, easy, and you can safely remove Moonbite from the game once this is done, too!

This seems like the best option. This would make them a good supporting weapon to use when your health is low, and not a weapon that heals you as much as a greater healing potion every 5 seconds that can easily become a main weapon with a few melee gear.
Do this for the spectre hood, too. And if you do this for the spectre hood, you might even remove the damage reduction of the spectre hood.

Dapling said:

Lifesteal is not hard to balance at all. Look at Life Drain for example, that’s an item that’s commonly considered both balanced and extremely good.

Life drain doesnt exactly lifesteal though. Only the Vampire Knives and Spectre Hood has the direct lifesteal mechanic.
The reason why I consider lifesteal as a "hard to balance" mechanic is because a lifesteal item can either make you impossible to die or barely even heal. One mistake can make the items extremely bad or extremely broken. But balancing isnt entirely impossible of course, and lifesteal items can be balanced support items that doesn't make you immortal.
In fact, you can make more lifesteal weapons if you make them balanced.


Duke Fishron
  • May 12, 2024
  • #52

Meowlegend said:

Life drain doesnt exactly lifesteal though

It does. It heals 1.5 hp per second + 0.5 per additional enemy with no cap. It’s hard to see it in action just because it lacks the visual feedback vampire knives have.

J Bame

  • May 12, 2024
  • #53

Dapling said:

Keep the burst cap at 70, but reduce the recovery per second from 30 to 5. This makes them a greater healing potion every 30 seconds instead, and because the burst cap is not reduced you don’t need to be constantly using them to benefit from their healing. You could also reduce it to 4 or even 3 to make it a greater healing potion every 37.5 seconds or 50 seconds respectively. There, easy, and you can safely remove Moonbite from the game once this is done, too!
Lifesteal is not hard to balance at all. Look at Life Drain for example, that’s an item that’s commonly considered both balanced and extremely good.

For those who don’t know, vampire knives actually have a cap of 70 but this cap refills by 30 every second, which basically means that you restore 70 instead of 30 health for the first second you’re using them and then restore 30 health every second after until you switch off them.

This is 5 hp/s or 3 charms of myths just from having a weapon in your hotbar, Valhalla Chest is still stupidly strong at 4 hp/s and thats a whole armor piece

Stored healing is a mistake, the drawback of Vampire Knives healing is below average dps, that dynamic disappears if you only have to use it for 5% of a boss fight


Duke Fishron
  • May 12, 2024
  • #54

J Bame said:

Stored healing is a mistake, the drawback of Vampire Knives healing is below average dps, that dynamic disappears if you only have to use it for 5% of a boss fight

I’m okay with vampire knives being a sidearm with low cast time considering most other sidearms have the exact same amount of cast time (often less) for their reward. I don’t see why vampire knives should be any different.

J Bame said:

This is 5 hp/s or 3 charms of myths just from having a weapon in your hotbar, Valhalla Chest is still stupidly strong at 4 hp/s and thats a whole armor piece

hence why I suggested 4 or even 3 hp/s. Anywhere between 3 and 5 is acceptable imo.


Torch God
  • May 12, 2024
  • #55

J Bame said:

This is 5 hp/s or 3 charms of myths just from having a weapon in your hotbar, Valhalla Chest is still stupidly strong at 4 hp/s and thats a whole armor piece

Stored healing is a mistake, the drawback of Vampire Knives healing is below average dps, that dynamic disappears if you only have to use it for 5% of a boss fight

Anywhere between 3 to 5 is okay. Keep in mind this is a biome chest weapon based around lifesteal, it should have some good healing.


The Destroyer
  • May 12, 2024
  • #56

Harpoon: I would only support a minor damage buff, also the piranha gun idea wouldn't work great. Harpoon is a single projectile and enemies are a lot "tankier" at this point, so it would be a big sacrifice to dedicate all your focus to one enemy for awhile.

Chain Knife: It's a bonus weapon that you can get from bats, in no situation do you grind for it. It acts as a higher ranged version of the spear for its point in progression, not competing with the other flails.

The Meatball: What other melee weapons? Post-Evil-Pre-Skeletron-Pre-Jungle is basically just the Butcherer and the Meatball. If you're saying the jungle weapons, the ball of hurt is also outclassed by them, and can be obtained at the same time.

Artery: I think the real solution is just make all the jungle weapons harder to obtain because rushing for the jungle weapons has always been a great strategy to get excellent gear super early.

Ore Swords/Spears: They're there if you don't have access to a better weapon. Say you didn't craft night's edge, or haven't been able to access areas with better weapons. Ore weapons (and armor) are a grind to get most of the time, I don't mind that they're mostly optional.

Starfury: Just nerf the star's damage to be the same of the swords. No need to nerf the weapon, then create an unnerfed version of it that's just marginally better than the nerfed version found in the only locked sky island chest. (also this would change sky island generation rules).

Flamarang: Flamarang is better than the trimerang damage wise. By quite a lot too.

Optic Staff: Aside from fun factor, their main thing is that there are two of them, with retinamini dealing slightly above base damage, and spazmamini dealing base damage but piercing many targets. Also blade staff requires a lot of set up, and sanguine staff got a huge nerf recently.

Demonite/Crimtane items:
Because why would you not? It's still an upgrade and you probably have leftovers, and you can use it to make getting your next upgrades easier, whether than be bee's knees or molten fury.

Dungeon items:
Most of mage's best weapons come from the dungeon. And like the previous statement, why would you not use blue moon while you're waiting for a shadow key to grab the sunfury.


Official Terrarian
  • May 12, 2024
  • #57

Damn, a war broke out while I was away, lol. Thank you guys for the suggestions for the lifesteal items, I think they would be great to look into as well. I think there should be a difficulty-dependency for the lifesteal items too. This would make the lifesteal items heal less in higher difficulties, to make the difficulties actually hard. I wish you guys would have responded to my call for feedback for my new movement accessories balancing suggestion, though.

J Bame

  • May 13, 2024
  • #58

Dapling said:

I’m okay with vampire knives being a sidearm with low cast time considering most other sidearms have the exact same amount of cast time (often less) for their reward. I don’t see why vampire knives should be any different.

hence why I suggested 4 or even 3 hp/s. Anywhere between 3 and 5 is acceptable imo.

Meowlegend said:

Anywhere between 3 to 5 is okay. Keep in mind this is a biome chest weapon based around lifesteal, it should have some good healing.

There is not a single sidearm worth 2-3 accessory slots, and getting healing with only the cost of tiny micro, aiming and DPS is far too good, makes Vampire Knives less of a weapon and more so a permanent upgrade



Staff member


  • May 13, 2024
  • #59

Meowlegend said:

I hope I don't come rude but holy Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (34), your arguments are so Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (35)ing terrible, no one is gonna agree with you.

Dapling said:

You probably should learn the meaning of the term “consistency” if you want to be taken seriously here.

Solarpower said:

What's not so consistent in that huh ?

These are a few examples of disrespectful posting that are unacceptable.

If you cannot debate without letting it get personal with other people, it's best to drop the discussion. It has gotten too far.

We will be reviewing the recent posts in this thread and may follow up with people with additional account action if we deem it is needed.

muovd🌳 said:

Damn, a war broke out while I was away, lol.

Please do not escalate situations by making comments such as this. If there is disrespectful behavior happening, report it and move on. Without commenting on it. It is not acceptable behavior.


Duke Fishron
  • May 13, 2024
  • #60

muovd🌳 said:

, I think they would be great to look into as well. I think there should be a difficulty-dependency for the lifesteal items too.

The cap is already raised in normal mode to 36 hp/s or something like that, so the code for that is already there and would be easy to implement.

J Bame said:

There is not a single sidearm worth 2-3 accessory slots, and getting healing with only the cost of tiny micro, aiming and DPS is far too good, makes Vampire Knives less of a weapon and more so a permanent upgrade

I’m okay with that, considering how late in the game it is and how difficult it is to obtain, so I’ll probably just agree to disagree here.

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Portfolio/Multi-Topic - Smoothing out progression: Weapon balancing, Hardmode ore balancing, Buff to base movement speed and also World generation options. (2024)


How to make a Hardmode world in Terraria? ›

A world permanently converts to Hardmode after the Wall of Flesh boss is defeated for the first time. Hardmode grants players new challenges and gives them much more content to explore. Hardmode adds two new biomes to the world that will appear and function upon converting: The Hallow and the Underground Hallow.

How to Hardmode Terraria? ›

Defeating the Wall of Flesh (WoF) in the Underworld will unlock Hard Mode in that world only. However, some parts of Hard Mode — most notably, the tougher Dungeon monsters — will not appear in your world until Plantera has been defeated.

Where does the V spawn in Terraria? ›

Shortly after the Wall of Flesh is defeated, two diagonal strips of Hallow and Corruption/Crimson will generate in a V shape. The location of these strips and distance between them is completely random, but if the player has done a lot of previous underground exploring, the affected areas will be very clear.

What is the best early Hardmode armor? ›

To save resources, it is recommended that you choose one early Hardmode armor set and use it until you defeat your first mechanical boss. Palladium, Orichalcum, and Titanium sets are typically preferred over Cobalt, Mythril, and Adamantite, but alternatives have been listed for players whose worlds contain Adamantite.

How to trigger Hardmode in Terraria? ›

Hardmode is a game advancement that is triggered in a world when the Wall of Flesh is defeated for the first time.

Is there a way to change the difficulty of a Terraria world? ›

Terraria | How to set difficulty (Normal, Expert, Master or...
  1. Navigate to your control panel.
  2. Select "Configuration Files"
  3. Press "Text Editor" next to pingconfig.txt.
  4. Find the line: difficulty=1.
  5. After the "=" symbol, type in either 0(normal), 1(expert), 2(master), 3(journey)

How do you unlock the Hardmode dungeon in Terraria? ›

To gain unrestricted access to the Dungeon, Skeletron must first be defeated. Skeletron is summoned by speaking to the Old Man, who guards the Dungeon entrance. At Night, a "curse" option will be displayed, which will turn the Old Man into Skeletron when clicked.

How do you corrupt a whole world in Terraria? ›

Corruption can be created or spread artificially using Corrupt Seeds, Unholy Water, or the Clentaminator with Purple Solution (obtained from the Steampunker during a Blood Moon in Corruption worlds.

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