San Sebastian Film Festival (2024)

Table of Contents

72nd San Sebastian Festival - 20/28 September 2023

72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024

San Sebastian Film Festival (1)

San Sebastian Film Festival (2)

San Sebastian Film Festival (3)

San Sebastian Film Festival (4)

San Sebastian Film Festival (5)

San Sebastian Film Festival (7)





San Sebastian Film Festival (8)

San Sebastian Film Festival (9)


San Sebastian Film Festival (10)

San Sebastian Film Festival (13)My FestivalSan Sebastian Film Festival (14)MoreVideosDonostiaAgendaPicturesSan Sebastian Film Festival (19)

San Sebastian Film Festival (28) 72nd San Sebastian Festival
20/28 September 2024

Submit your film or project here!

The Festival


Film or Project Submission




Sponsorships and partnerships


Announced films


Films to be


Official Awards

Other Awards

Honorary Awards




Previous editions


Photographic library

San Sebastian Film Festival (29) Z365
A 365-day festival

News Z365

Z365" or "Festival all year round" is the new strategic point of the Festival in which converge investigation, accompaniment and development of new talents (Ikusmira Berriak, Nest); training and cinematic knowledge transfer (Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola, Zinemaldia + Plus, Filmmakers' dialogue); and investigation, disclosure and cinematic thought (Z70 project, Thought and Discussion and Research and publications).


Thought and discussion

Research and publications



Ikusmira Berriak


Filmmakers' dialogue

San Sebastian Film Festival (30) Calls for entries

In progress

Film submission - General sections

(2024/01/16 - 2024/06/19)

Film submission - Culinary Zinema

(2024/01/16 - 2024/06/19)

WIP Latam

(2024/06/03 - 2024/07/03)

WIP Europa

(2024/06/03 - 2024/07/03)


(2024/06/03 - 2024/07/03)

Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum

(2024/04/14 - 2024/06/15)

Eusko Label

(2024/05/10 - 2024/06/17)

Loterías Short Films

(2024/04/30 - 2024/06/17)


Rules of participation

Entry Forms

Film submission - General sections

(2024/01/15 - 2024/06/17)

Film submission - Culinary Zinema

(2024/01/15 - 2024/06/17)

Eusko Label

(2024/05/10 - 2024/06/17)

Loterías Short Films

(2024/04/30 - 2024/06/17)

Nest - Rules of participation

Film School registration

(2024/06/03 - 2024/07/03)

Short Film submission

(2024/06/03 - 2024/07/03)

Works in Progress

WIP Latam - Entry Form

(06/03/2024 - 07/03/2024)

WIP Europa - Entry Form

(06/03/2024 - 07/03/2024)

Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum - Entry Form

(04/15/2024 - 06/17/2024)

Zinemaldia Startup Challenge - Entry Form

(04/16/2024 - 05/31/2024)

Ikusmira Berriak - Entry Form

(07/02/2024 - 09/02/2024)


Ikusmira Beriak - Entry Form

(07/02/2024 - 09/02/2024)

Youth Jury

Entry Form

Coming soon

San Sebastian Film Festival (31) Log-in to MY FESTIVAL

Complete this form with your details for accessing the contents reserved for registered users.

Enter your email and press send. You will receive a link through which you can reset your password

Complete this form with your details for accessing the contents reserved for registered users.


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}, 500); } } } // Mostramos menu "Mi Festival" $('#ico-menu[aria-controls="menuMiFestival"]')[0].click(); } var title_login = 'Log-in to MY FESTIVAL'; var title_register = 'Create new account'; var text_login = 'If you are not registered, you can create another account'; var text_register = 'If you are already registered, you can log-in'; var is_texto_login = true;

San Sebastian Film Festival (2024)


What is the biggest film festival in Spain? ›

San Sebastian is the largest film festival in Spain, occurring each September.

Is San Sebastian film festival good? ›

The San Sebastian International Film Festival has long been considered the most intimate of the A-list festivals, neatly wrapping up a hectic fall festival season as delegates descend on the enchanting seaside city in Northern Spain.

What is the history of the San Sebastian film festival? ›

The San Sebastián International Film Festival is commonly known as Zinemaldi, the Basque word for Festival. It began as a non-competitive Festival but in 1957 it reached category A as major festivals such as Cannes, Berlin, Toronto or Venetia. The first film to win was Giorni d'amore by Giuseppe de Santis.

Where is the most famous film festival? ›

The Cannes Film Festival is arguably the most famous and glamorous film festival in the world. Held every year in May in the French Riviera, Cannes attracts the biggest stars, directors, and producers, as well as thousands of journalists and industry professionals.

What is the three largest film festival in the world? ›

What are the 3 largest Film Festivals?
  • 1.Cannes Film Festival (France)
  • 2.Venice Film Festival (Italy)
  • 3.Berlin International Film Festival (Germany)
Mar 20, 2024

What is the Notorious Spanish festival? ›

Out of all the Spanish festivals, La Tomatina Spanish festival is the most known and famous among people from all over the world.

Why is San Sebastian so famous? ›

San Sebastian is a seafaring city, and its maritime heritage plays a major role even in its modern culture. The Basque Country's unique geography of rugged mountains and jagged coastlines made it difficult for foreign invaders to conquer throughout history.

Is San Sebastian expensive? ›

San Sebastian's cost of living can be high, especially for renting and buying a home. Mobility can also present challenges, as at rush hour traffic increases and finding parking in the centre can be difficult. It is important to consider the weather when relocating to San Sebastian.

Is San Sebastian a party town? ›

There are four main nightlife areas. The Old Town, a lively and diverse selection of bars and pubs. Reyes Católicos, at the back of Buen Pastor Cathedral, the chic area of town, withtrendy bars and alternative music. Egia, with micro-theatre and live music.

Why is the San Sebastian festival important? ›

The festival was firstly organized by father Juan Manuel Madrazo, the priest of the San José Church in the 1950s, with the purpose to commemorate the life of the Saint and to raise money to repair the church.

Why is St Sebastian so popular? ›

As protector of potential plague victims (a connection popularized by the Golden Legend) and soldiers, Sebastian occupied an important place in the popular medieval mind. He was among the most frequently depicted of all saints by Late Gothic and Renaissance artists, in the period after the Black Death.

What is the myth of St Sebastian? ›

Sebastianism (Portuguese: Sebastianismo) is a Portuguese messianic myth, based on the belief that King Sebastian of Portugal, who disappeared in the battle of Alcácer Quibir, would reappear and return to Portugal at some critical point in the future.

What are the big 5 film festivals? ›

The "Big Five" film festivals are considered to be Venice, Cannes, Berlin, Toronto and Sundance. The Toronto International Film Festival is the most popular festival in North America. Time wrote it had "grown from its place as the most influential fall film festival to the most influential film festival, period".

Where is the Beverly Hills film festival? ›

Where is the world's oldest film festival? ›

The Venice International Film Festival is the oldest film festival in the world and one of the most prestigious.

What is the big festival in Spain? ›

Some call Fallas the largest celebration in the world, with parades, mass gatherings, fireworks ceremonial burnings of breathtaking scultures and large amounts of drinking and dancing in the streets. If you can only visit 1 major fiesta while in Spain, Fallas is tied with Carnival as the one to experience.

What is the largest film festival in Europe? ›

Considered among the world's biggest and most highly attended cinema events, Berlinale or the Berlin International Film Festival, is in a league of its own regarding the stunning scope and scale of high-budget and independent films.

What is the giant festival in Spain? ›

Las Fallas is Valencia's biggest festival. It's celebrated every March in honor of the city's patron saint, San José. It also marks the beginning of spring. Locals take to the streets with giant paper mache figures representing famous and traditional figures which are then burned in huge bonfires across the city.

What are two Spanish film festivals? ›

Film Festivals
  • San Sebastián Film Festival (Zinemaldia)
  • Valladolid Film Festival (Seminci)
  • Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia (Sitges)
  • Málaga Film Festival.
  • Gijón Film Festival (FICX)
  • Seville European Film Festival.
Feb 20, 2023

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

Last Updated:

Views: 6361

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.