What Do the Colours You Wear Say About You? (2024)

We've surveyed a thousand people on how they perceive other people based on the colour of the clothes they choose. It's thrown up some fascinating conclusions. It might be time to promote colour to the top consideration - if you care about how you're perceived by others, that is.

Black, for example, might have connotations of death, gloom, and forest gateaux, but it's a powerful performer in the eyes of the public, who see it as a serious, reliable and solid player, ideal for interviews and first dates.

But if you're a lover of all things pink, you might want to keep your pink thing private. That's because the public see it as a fluffy, frivolous colour, unsuitable for almost any social occasion and even likely to signify a lack of intelligence.

What Do the Colours You Wear Say About You? (1)

These are only perceptions, of course. We're sure many an Oxbridge don has stepped out in pink, and some of the worst low-lives have lived their lives lowly in inky blacks. Badass quotesmith Mark Twain probably sums it up best in his rallying cry for clothing of any colour: "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."

Let's have a look at some of our most interesting findings.

Dressing to Impress: First Dates and Interviews

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression." It's an old saying but it's true. Your fellow human beings will have judged you within the first seconds of meeting you, and you'll have to have an impressive arsenal of inner charm to overturn their snap conclusion.

So on those occasions when you're hoping to impress someone - interviews, first dates, your kids' school entry interrogations - you need to look confident. And if you want to feel confident, you're probably going to have to go with black. A conclusive 56% of respondents in our survey favoured black as a colour of confidence. Split by gender, 48% of women and 64% of men favoured it. If you feel confident, you'll probably exude capability and trustworthiness, which can't be a bad thing.

Which colour most inspires confidence?

Red drove a wedge between the sexes. Asked about dressing to feel sexy on a first date, 54% of women said they'd opt for a passionate red number, whereas only 28% of men would.This is interesting because red is often associated with aggression, a typically male trait, and although most men aren't particularly aggressive, they absolutely don't want to give that impression, or even appear arrogant. Incidentally, men's second choice for a first date (after black) was a serene blue.

Orange and brown are off-limits for first dates and interviews

There were two standout no-nos for first dates and interviews: orange and brown. We don't need to delve into the negative connotations brown can conjure up, but even we were surprised at the brown smear: only 2% of women and 8% of men (5% overall) would wear brown on a key appointment.

Orange is only a few yellow droplets from power-colour red but those droplets make all the difference. Again it was only 2% of women's first-date colour choice, but 6% of men thought it would be OK to wear orange on the first date, making it the least popular overall.

Orange is definitely not the new black.

Knowledge is Power

It's quite hard to know when you're looking sexy. You look in the mirror before you hit the bar or go on that first date and all you'll see is faults. It's not until you reach your destination that your efforts will start to bear fruit. Are you turning the heads of all the right people? Are the bar staff fighting to serve you? Are people fainting?

These are the subtle cues that might tell you you've got the formula right. And as with all experiments, the best way to confirm your results is to repeat and observe. This is how we arrive at a personal colour scheme.

What Do the Colours You Wear Say About You? (2)

Why are we talking about this? Well, we asked our survey respondents to gauge the colours they found most attractive in their potential mates. A key finding was that people generally liked to see other people wearing the same colours as they themselves chose to look confident. The familiar black-red-blue-white pattern remained, and brown occupied the bottom spot.

48% of women like men wearing blue

Once again red gave us an insightful result - men like to see women wearing red, with 56% expressing a preference, while women liked their men to be wearing black or blue (66% and 48%). It would appear, therefore, that the way we dress is influenced by the way we are perceived, because there's a tendency to feel confident in the colours that the opposite sex finds attractive. Does this mean we feel most confident when we're feeling sexy? Or is it the other way round?

Men on Women... (%)

Women on Men... (%)

Note: Respondents chose multiple colours per question so total percentage exceeds 100%.

The survey also showed that we're probably right not to go on hot dates wearing brown or orange, as they're considered unattractive by others too.

Arrogance and Lacking Intelligence: Guess the Colour

Who wants to appear arrogant? While on the face of it it's an unattractive trait, the logical conclusion of overconfidence, it can have benefits if you're trying to impress your authority on those around you. But it has to be used with care - projected arrogance without the emotional strength to follow it through can invite people to undermine you, which they'll gleefully do.

So let's assume you want to appear confident but don't want to stray into arrogant territory. You might want to avoid red. In our survey, red topped our chart in arrogance perception, although it was by a moderate 28% of the respondents. Orange and yellow came second and third, 19% and 16%, and good old white was considered the least arrogant of the colours at 6%.

Which colour would you most associate with arrogance?

This finding might put you in a quandary, because we've found that red is sexy and confident, but it's also arrogant. Maybe we need to think of redness as having an arrogance knob that we can turn up and down, and that we need it to be just so. Or perhaps arrogance is not the unattractive trait we might think it is - after all, feeling sexy and confident does require a certain degree of arrogance, doesn't it? Otherwise, why bother? We all know people who find romance in partners the rest of us find overbearingly arrogant, so perhaps it's not the passion-killer we might originally think it is.

Only 12% of people thought red was an intelligent colour

Red is also considered unintelligent, which might not come as a surprise as arrogance is often overcompensating for a fear of coping with life. Only 12% of people said red was intelligent.

But wait. Didn't we find that red is considered a sexy colour too? Yes we did. What does that say about the traits we find attractive? People, you need to take a long, hard look at yourselves.

Pink Stinks - It's official

Many social media users will be familiar with the "pink stinks" campaign, which named and shamed manufacturers and retailers who used gender stereotyping to market their products, such as pink screwdriver sets for women.

Well it turns out that there's even more to it than meets the eye. Because poor pink (which is just an innocent blend of colours, after all) has developed all sorts of negative connotations, most notably with intelligence. Pink sits blushingly at the foot of the chart that gauges people's perceptions of colours as markers of intelligence. Only 5% of respondents thought intelligent people would wear pink.

Only 5% of respondents thought intelligent people would wear pink

We can read a lot into this finding, however. Because in Western culture at least, pink is definitely associated with femininity, so does that mean that people view femininity as less intelligent? Pink's counterpart blue sits second behind super-thoughtful black, so the pattern seems to hold. It's a shocking conclusion if true.

Look deeper, though, and it might not be so simple. The intelligence scale ran Black, Blue, White, Green, Purple, Brown, Red, Yellow, Orange and finally Pink, so we can also see a series that runs from "serious" to "playful" colours, and playfulness is probably not considered an intelligence signifier. Somebody should probably tell the Financial Times.

Black is Best Most of the Time

Throughout all our survey, black came first or second in most "good" traits (for example confidence, intelligence and sexiness) and barely figured in the "bad" traits (arrogance). It wasn't a particularly good performer in the "generosity" scale, however, coming second to last after brown, but it's hard to imagine is being any other way. Try getting your kid to sit on the knee of a black-clad Santa.

Benevolent nocturnal visitations aside, black is the colour to wear when you're trying to impress, reassure or woo. There's a certain trustworthiness about it on a person that would make you hand over your life savings and thank them for the privilege.

Red was a mixed bag, being pretty damn sexy (and you know it) but teetering on the brink of arrogance (and you know it). It also ranked fair to middling on generosity; kindness ain't sexy.

Here's our cut-out-and-keep guide to life moments and what you should wear to be safe:

First Date








Away Football Match


SAS Assault


Criminal Mastermind AGM


Nobel Prize for Physics Award Ceremony


Down with Brown

Oh, dear. Brown. It just doesn't cut the mustard, even French mustard, which is brown. We might love our brown sauce, gravy and satay sauce, few people can resist brown chocolate, and most of our varnished wooden furniture is probably a shade of brown. But we just don't like to wear it or see others bucking the trend.

Could it be a throwback to our deep ancestry, when everyone wore brown animal skins from the boars and rats they could cobble together, but all the cool hunter-gatherers nonchalantly showed up in leopard skin?

What Do the Colours You Wear Say About You? (3)Source: Flickr

Or is it something even more primal than that? Let's face it, brown is the colour of poo, and we're conditioned to avoid it and express disgust in its presence. It might not be the colour itself, but what we suspect people might be trying to hide, which probably doesn't bear thinking about.

Brown shoes? Fine. Brown underpants? You have got to be kidding me.

If you are in that 1% of women or 4% of men who would brave a first date in brown, we can only salute you. You must have one hell of a personality.

What Do the Colours You Wear Say About You? (2024)


What do the colors you wear say about you? ›

Personality traits are reflected by your preferred colour. Extroverts like red, introverts blue. Yellow is the choice of intellectuals, and well-balanced individuals tend to wear green. Use colour to trigger desired emotions.

What does your color say about you? ›

Colours can say a lot about you. Warm colours (reds, yellows, oranges) evoke feelings of creativity, friendliness, and passion, while cool colours (blues, greens, purples) represent maturity, peace, and serenity.

What does what you wear say about you? ›

Studies show what you wear influences your thoughts, feelings and behavior. The way you dress sets the stage for how you will approach your day. Ladies, think about the way you feel when you wear high heels: confident, strong and ready to take on the world.

What do the colors of clothes mean? ›

White shirt = pure, clean and sophisticated. Black shirt = authoritative, professional and powerful. Red shirt = passionate, energetic and confident. Pink shirt = compassionate, playful and fun. Green shirt = reliable, balanced and safe.

What does wearing green say about you? ›

Green is also associated with renewal and hope, but at the same time, it's also the color of money and wealth, so wearing it can suggest that the person is prosperous or aspires to be. It can also indicate a sense of stability and security.

Can the color of your clothes reflect your personality? ›

Psychology has shown that the garments we wear have the power to influence our emotions and actions. They not only reflect our identity to others but also communicate with us on a deeper level. The style and color of our garments can communicate volumes about our identity and values.

What are the four personality colors? ›

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung built on the work of Hippocrates and defined the four temperaments in terms of colors: Cool Blue, Earth Green, Sunshine Yellow and Fiery Red. Everyone has all of the color energies in their personality, to differing degrees.

What colors describe what personality? ›

Here are some commonly cited color-personality associations:
  • Red: Bold, passionate, and energetic. ...
  • Blue: Calm, trustworthy, and intelligent. ...
  • Yellow: Happy, optimistic, and creative. ...
  • Green: Natural, balanced, and growth-oriented. ...
  • Purple: Creative, spiritual, and luxurious. ...
  • Black: Mysterious, powerful, and sophisticated.
Feb 19, 2023

What color attracts you? ›

Either way, the color red gets your attention. A study shows that men or women are attracted to each other by the color red, but for different reasons.

How do clothes describe your personality? ›

Our clothing style can provide insights into our personalities. For instance: Classic and polished clothing styles often reflect a preference for sophistication, elegance, and timeless fashion. Bold and edgy fashion choices may indicate a desire for individuality, self-expression, and a rebellious spirit.

Can clothes define a person's character? ›

The way we dress can convey messages about our confidence, personality, and approach to the world. Clothing serves as a powerful form of self-expression. The way you choose to dress can reveal your individuality, creativity, and confidence.

What you wear defines you? ›

The way you dress says a lot about the kind of individual you are. The fashion you decide to go with should reveal your desires, interests, ambition, and background. Everyone is unique in terms of personality and interest, and therefore, it is important for a person to wear what emphasizes who they are.

What each color stands for? ›

Here are some common meanings of different colors in many Western cultures: 🔴Red: Passion, Love, Anger. 🔵Blue: Calm, Strength, Trust. Yellow: Happiness, Hope, Deceit. Green: New Beginnings, Abundance, Peace.

Do colors have meaning? ›

Different cultures ascribe different meanings to colors.

We like to think of color as a universal language, but this isn't always the case. Colors don't always translate the same across different cultures and countries. “Culturally, in America the color white symbolizes purity, innocence, and simplicity.

What each color defines? ›

Red: Passion, Love, Anger. Orange: Energy, Happiness, Vitality. Yellow: Happiness, Hope, Deceit. Green: New Beginnings, Abundance, Nature.

What is the psychology behind the colors you wear? ›

The researchers found that colors like red and black were more commonly associated with negative feelings. While colors like blue and green evoked feelings of calmness and happiness. That these latter colors are found in nature might be one reason why we tend to find them so comforting.

What is the most confident color to wear? ›

The color red is often used to send messages of confidence to the public. In color psychology, red elicits the greatest feelings of any color. While calmer colors like green and blue are typically considered serene and soothing, red is the hottest and most emotional color.

What is the most trustworthy color to wear? ›

Of the four tested colors, the blue color scheme was perceived as most trustworthy and black as least trustworthy. The results showed that the effects are strong in a statistical sense, but limited in effect size.

What color to wear is most attractive? ›

In many circ*mstances, red has a positive impact on women's perceived attractiveness. Elliot and Niesta (2008) found that women dressed in red are found to be more attractive than women wearing blue. Men also tend to sit closer to women wearing red, suggesting a physical attraction (Niesta et al., 2010).

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.