What is nursing/bottle syndrome? - Queen Village Family Dentistry (2024)

Nursing-bottle syndrome, also known as baby-bottle tooth decay or baby-bottle syndrome, is the rapid decay of a child’s primary teeth caused by prolonged contact with infant formula, milk or juice. This often occurs because young children fall asleep with a bottle in their mouth. Baby-bottle mouth can lead to a lifetime of dental difficulties. Preventing nursing bottle mouth is easy: If you give your baby a bottle at nap or bed time, simply fill it with plain water rather than formula, milk, or juice—never let your child fall asleep with a bottle filled with a liquid other than water In addition, check your child for brown spots near the gums because they are a warning sign for tooth decay.

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What is nursing/bottle syndrome? - Queen Village Family Dentistry (2024)


What is nursing/bottle syndrome? - Queen Village Family Dentistry? ›

Nursing-bottle syndrome, also known as baby-bottle tooth decay or baby-bottle syndrome, is the rapid decay of a child's primary teeth caused by prolonged contact with infant formula, milk or juice. This often occurs because young children fall asleep with a bottle in their mouth.

What teeth are affected in nursing bottle syndrome? ›

“Baby bottle syndrome,” “nursing caries,” or “bottle mouth caries” are names to describe a pattern of caries where the deciduous upper incisors and molars are more severely disrupted. A key feature of this type of caries is the sparing of the lower incisors, which can be completely healthy or mildly affected.

What is a nursing bottle syndrome? ›

Nursing Bottle Caries | Overview

Nursing caries, or tooth decay, can be caused when your child sleeps with a bottle. This condition is also called baby bottle tooth decay. It is caused when a child goes to bed with a bottle filled with milk or juice — anything except water.

How do you treat bottle mouth syndrome? ›

Prevention and treatment for baby bottle rot typically consists of the following:
  • Cavity fillings.
  • Dental sealants.
  • Dental bonding or crowns (this is sometimes necessary if the teeth have been worn down or into an irregular shape)
  • Tooth extraction (in severe cases)
  • Regular dental check-ups.
Jan 18, 2023

How do you treat bottle tooth decay? ›

Your dental professional may recommend fluoride treatments such as a fluoride toothpaste, in-office treatment that may include silver diamine fluoride (SDF), which can remineralize the enamel and dentin, or mouthrinses. More severe cases might call for pit-and-fissure sealants to help prevent and control cavities.

What can be done to avoid nursing bottle tooth decay? ›

By implementing simple yet effective measures such as wiping your baby's gums and teeth after feeding, avoiding sugary drinks in bottles, and encouraging good oral hygiene practices early on, you can help protect your child's teeth from decay and ensure that they have a healthy smile for years to come.

Can breastfeeding cause dental problems in mother? ›

Here are the things you need to know about breastfeeding and your teeth. Increased Risk for Cavities – Many women experience an increased risk for cavities when they are pregnant and/or nursing.

What is the bottle mouth effect? ›

When tooth decay occurs in infants and toddlers it is often referenced as bottle mouth, baby bottle tooth decay, and early childhood caries. Most often baby bottle tooth decay occurs in the front upper and lower teeth but can also become a problem in any of the other teeth as well.

What causes baby bottle mouth syndrome? ›

It is caused by prolonged exposure to milk or sugary liquids. Children at risk for bottlemouth syndrome take bottles of milk or juice to bed at naptime and bedtime. They also carry sugary beverages or milk around during the day. It is most common in the upper front teeth.

How do you know if you have bottle confusion? ›

Signs of nipple confusion
  • thrust their tongue up while they're sucking, which can push the nipple out of their mouth.
  • fail to open their mouth wide enough during the latch (in this case, they can't get much milk, and their mother's nipples will be very sore)

Does bottle feeding affect teeth alignment? ›

It can also cause developmental issues with the teeth and facial bones, leading to alignment and speech problems. Using a bottle for too long can also increase the risks of tooth decay because the sugars in milk are consistently passing over the teeth, leading to more enamel erosion.

Is it bad for your teeth to drink bottles before bed? ›

Once your baby's teeth start to come through, falling asleep with a bottle can lead to tooth decay. The sugar in milk sitting on the teeth all night turn into acids, which can result in an erosion of the enamel.

Are dental sealants permanent? ›

Sealants can last up to 10 years. But they need to be checked at regular dental check-ups to make sure they are not chipped or worn away. The dentist or dental hygienist can repair sealants by adding more sealant material.

What do bottle rot teeth look like? ›

Although it can damage all baby teeth, baby bottle tooth decay most often occurs in the upper front teeth. Not all children experience the same symptoms. However, white spots or brown areas on baby teeth, pain and swelling are frequent signs of baby bottle tooth decay.

How do dentists fix a rotting tooth? ›

Treatment options include:
  1. Fluoride treatments. If your cavity just started, a fluoride treatment may help restore your tooth's enamel and can sometimes reverse a cavity in the very early stages. ...
  2. Fillings. Fillings, also called restorations, are the main treatment option. ...
  3. Crowns. ...
  4. Root canals. ...
  5. Tooth extractions.
Nov 30, 2023

Does bottle rot affect permanent teeth? ›

Infant tooth decay can affect permanent teeth.

It is important to address infant tooth decay promptly to prevent further damage and reduce the risk of future dental issues. This includes regular dental check-ups and cleanings, practicing good oral hygiene at home, and limiting sugary snacks and drinks.

What group of teeth are most affected with baby bottle caries? ›

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay most often occurs in the upper front teeth, but other teeth may also be affected. There are many factors which can cause tooth decay. One common cause is the frequent, prolonged exposure of the baby's teeth to drinks that contain sugar.

Does bottle feeding affect teeth? ›

The development of your child's muscles, mouth, and palate are all affected by the way that babies suck on bottles. Long term baby bottle use can not only negatively affect your child's teeth but can also cause misalignment issues.

Which child has increased risk for baby bottle tooth decay? ›

Oral bacteria feed on the sugar on and around the teeth and then emit harmful acids. These acids attack tooth enamel and wear it away. The result is painful cavities and pediatric tooth decay. Infants who are not receiving an appropriate amount of fluoride are at increased risk for tooth decay.

How does baby bottle tooth decay affect permanent teeth? ›

Detriments Of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Also, if baby teeth do not develop correctly, due to decay especially, an infant may establish deficient eating habits, experience speech problems, and permanent teeth may “come in” crowded and misaligned.

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