When to transition from a crib to a toddler bed (2024)

There are plenty of reasons your child may be ready to transition to a toddler bed: a new sibling on the way, having a compulsive climber, or just feeling like it’s “the right time.” But all moves to the toddler bed are not created equal! If you have questions about the when, why, and hows of this major milestone, we’ll have the answers here.


Best age to switch to toddler bed

6 signs your child is ready for a toddler bed

Signs your toddler is not ready for crib to bed transition

Toddler bed vs. “big kid” twin bed


Strategies/tips to make this transition easier for your child

Bottom line

Toddler bed transition FAQ

Best age to switch to toddler bed

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the transition out of a crib once they’re 35 inches tall, which typically happens between 18 - 24 months. Most falls from the crib happen when children try to climb out, and that usually happens only after the rail is about chest level.

That said, there are many toddlers who never attempt an escape. For those kids who are content in their crib, and aren’t known climbers, we find that the transition goes much more smoothly when parents wait until three years of age to make the move.

Before that point, most toddlers don’t have the impulse control required to stay alone in an unenclosed sleep space. That means that if you’re making the move before 3 years of age, you can expect your toddler to frequently pop out of bed at bedtime and during the night.

6 signs your child is ready for a toddler bed

It might be time to make the move to a bed if your child has:

  • Climbed out (or attempted to climb out) of their crib

  • Grown 35 inches tall

  • Started to outgrow the crib, and a bed would be more comfortable

  • Shown they’re able to understand the meaning of external visual cues

  • Been responsive to the limits you set surrounding bedtime

  • Asked for a big kid bed

We'll explain these factors more below:

Climbed out (or attempted to climb out) of their crib

If your little one has started trying to climb out of their crib, it may be a sign that they are ready for a bed. Climbing out of the crib can be dangerous, so transitioning to a bed will provide a safer sleep environment and reduce the injury risk.

Grown 35 inches tall

They grow so fast! When your kiddo reaches a height of around 35 inches, they've likely outgrown their crib, and it may be time to consider transitioning to a bed. A crib is designed for smaller babies and toddlers, and your child may begin to feel cramped as they grow taller.

Started to outgrow the crib, and a bed would be more comfortable

Like the sign above, if your child has outgrown their crib, such as their legs hanging over the sides or feeling restricted, it might be a good idea to transition to a bed. A bed will provide them with more space and freedom to move around comfortably during sleep.

Shown they’re able to understand the meaning of external visual cues

If your child demonstrates an understanding of external visual cues, like a toddler clock that indicates when it's time to get up, it indicates a level of cognitive development and self-regulation. This can be a positive indication that they are ready for a bed!

Been responsive to the limits you set surrounding bedtime

If your toddler has been cooperative and responsive to the limits you've set around bedtime, such as staying in their crib until it's time to wake up or following a bedtime routine, it shows that they have developed some self-control and can handle the transition to a big kid bed with established boundaries.

Asked for a big kid bed

If your little one has expressed a desire or shown interest in moving to a big bed, it could be a clear sign that they are ready. Children often become curious about the next stage of development, and their willingness to make the transition can make the process smoother and more enjoyable for both of you.

Signs your toddler is not ready for crib to bed transition

It might not be time yet for your child to transition to a big kid bed if:

  • Your child is under 3 years of age.

  • Your toddler is not about 35 inches tall.

  • Your child is not showing signs of climbing.

Toddler bed vs. “big kid” twin bed

Whether you opt for a toddler bed, or a “big kid” twin bed, really comes down to personal preference. For families who have a convertible crib, it can be an easy choice to simply convert the crib into a toddler bed. It’s cost-effective and may seem like a smaller transition for a child than a new bed.

For families that need to purchase new furniture, many will want to balance the cost along with the size of their child. If you’re transitioning from a crib, you can generally use the same crib mattress in a toddler bed. Smaller children may still have plenty of room to grow, and find it easier to get in and out of since it’s low to the ground.

On the other hand, a twin bed may be better for families with taller children who may soon outgrow the toddler bed. Some parents understandably want to avoid getting two different beds and sets of bedding within a short amount of time.


Whether you’re transitioning from a crib or moving away from bed-sharing, your childproofing will need an upgrade. Here are some of the things you’ll need to consider:

Gates and locked doors

To contain, or not to contain. You’ll need to figure out if you want to keep your child safely in their room by using a gate, locking the door, or holding the door ajar in a fixed position using a device like a Door Monkey. These strategies can help cut down on nighttime sleep struggles, but can also be a potential fire safety risk.

It’s pretty much a given that your child will wander out of their room at some point during the night if given the opportunity. Parents opting to let their child freely leave their room will need to think about safety concerns in the rest of the house too. Be sure to gate off access to stairs to prevent falls.

For those who decide not to contain their child in their room, bells and door alarms can help alert caregivers when their child has left the safety of their room.

Toddler bed safety guidelines

The Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) safety standards for toddler beds were revised in 2014. For parents who choose to transition their child to a toddler bed, it should be noted that the beds are designed for children not less than 15 months of age and weighing no more than 50 pounds.


While most toddler beds come with a guard rail, they also tend to be low to the ground, creating less of a safety issue for children who may roll out of bed.

For parents selecting a twin “big kid” bed, removable rails can be attached to the bed to help prevent a child from falling to the ground. Note that many removable bed rails are not recommended for use with children under 2 years of age. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Childproof the sleep space

Secure furniture to walls and use safety latches on drawers as necessary. Objects like dressers and bookcases have the potential to tip over and cause significant harm, especially if the drawers can be pulled open and used to climb on.

Be mindful of cords. You’ll want to keep them out of reach on blinds and drapes to avoid a strangulation hazard.

Strategies and tips to make this transition easier for your child

Let your child help pick out bedding

Include your child in the decision-making process. Choosing the sheets, blankets, pillows, or other bedtime accessories can help make your child more comfortable, and excited, about the new bed.

Avoid making the transition amid other big milestones

Since big milestones (e.g. moving, potty training, starting school) commonly impact sleep (sometimes also can contribute to night terrors in children), we recommend making the transition into a big kid bed during a less eventful period if possible.

Sometimes these things are outside our control, and many families feel pressured once a new sibling is on the way. In cases where the new baby will take over the crib, we recommend making the transition a few months ahead of the siblings' arrival. This will help prevent the older sibling from feeling displaced.

Encourage non-sleep play time in their new bed

Give your child the opportunity to spend some time in their new bed during the day. This will help them feel more secure when they return at night time. While we want them to look forward to being in their bed, we also don’t want them so stimulated by the novelty that they have a hard time falling asleep.

Keep a consistent routine

Continue to use the same consistent pre-bedtime routine that you used before transitioning to the toddler or big kid bed. This provides security and predictability and helps cue that it is time to fall asleep - all of which help cut down on bedtime struggles.

Reset your expectations

Some children make a smooth transition to sleeping in a big kid bed, while others turn into little jack-in-the-boxes who continually pop out of bed. How it goes will largely depend on the age of your child and their temperament.

Keep in mind that impulse control is underdeveloped before 3 years of age, and when it comes to toddler sleep, younger children are more likely to get out of bed. (Again, and again and again.)

Use positive reinforcement to maintain healthy habits

Remember to praise the little wins, no matter how small. If your child manages to stay in bed and fall asleep without calling for you, let them know how proud you are the following morning. Some parents find it helpful to use sticker charts to reinforce desired behavior too.

Set limits

If your child is getting out of bed repeatedly, they likely aren’t doing it to be difficult. They often can’t help it! The best course of action is to calmly and quietly return them to their bed to try again. Although it can be frustrating, your consistency will be key in helping your child accept the new changes.

Bottom line

Don’t rush to make the transition. If your child is safe in their crib, and content to sleep there, we recommend waiting until three years of age to make the transition. Using a sleep sack, moving the mattress to the lowest position, and removing toys (which can be used to provide leverage to climb over the railing) can all help delay climbing attempts.

If it’s not practical for you to wait until age three, and you make the transition earlier, try not to be discouraged if your child has trouble following the new “rules” for sleep. This transition isn’t always easy. It will take time, consistency, and patience, but they’ll get there!

Toddler bed transition FAQ

Q: How do I keep my child in the bed when making this transition?


Children under 3 years of age don’t always have the impulse control to stay alone in an unenclosed sleep space (like a toddler or big kid bed), so it often takes consistency and time. Some families like to use a gate at the door and treat the room like one big crib. Positive reinforcement and visual cues (such as toddler clocks and sticker charts) can give your toddler more incentive to stay in bed.

Q: What are some signs that my toddler is NOT ready for a bed?


The transition can be especially challenging for children under 3 years of age. Consider waiting until your toddler is about 35 inches tall and/or showing signs of climbing before making the move if you can.

Q: The transition isn’t going well. What can I do?


If there aren’t safety concerns and the crib is still available, consider going back to the crib for a while longer. Otherwise, consider using a toddler clock. The external visual cue can help provide an incentive for little ones to stay in bed during sleep times.

Q: How can I discourage my child from getting up and coming back to my room in the middle of the night?


Some families choose to use gates or locked doors to ensure their little ones stay contained in their rooms. Keep fire safety in mind when considering your options. If you opt to let them come and go freely, you’ll want to consistently return them to their bed each time. The more boring and quiet you are, the less incentive they’ll have to continue coming to your room.

When to transition from a crib to a toddler bed (2024)


When to transition from a crib to a toddler bed? ›

Approximately one-third of toddlers transition to a bed between the ages of 18 months and 2 years old, and another third transition between ages 2 and 2.5. In general, most toddlers make the move from a crib to a bed between the age of 18 months and 3 years old.

At what age do you convert a crib to a toddler bed? ›

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the transition out of a crib once they're 35 inches tall, which typically happens between 18 - 24 months.

How do you know if your toddler is ready for a bed? ›

Signs Your Child Is Ready for a Toddler Bed
  1. Sign 1: Consistent Jumping and Climbing. ...
  2. Sign 2: Beginning Potty Training. ...
  3. Sign 3: Growing Out of the Crib. ...
  4. Sign 4: Asking to Have a Bed. ...
  5. Sign 5: Having a Sibling on the Way. ...
  6. Choose the Bed Carefully. ...
  7. Stick to the Routine. ...
  8. Add Some Excitement.
Apr 18, 2023

How do I know if I'm putting my toddler to bed too early? ›

If your child is taking a long time to fall asleep, you might be putting your child to bed too early. If your child takes more than 30 minutes to fall asleep, try making your child's bedtime closer to the time your child can actually fall asleep.

What age do you switch out of a toddler bed? ›

There's no “one-size-fits-all” answer for transitioning to a twin bed. Consider your child's age, size, and overall development before moving to a new bed. Children may change to a twin bed at 18 months old, 3 years old, or 5 years old depending on their individual circ*mstances.

When should I put my toddler in a regular bed? ›

Most toddlers will be ready to move to a bed between 2-4 years old. Current research(1) shows that waiting until your child is closer to 3 can help to make the transition to a bed more successful.

When can I put my toddler in a bed instead of a crib? ›

Transitioning from Crib to Toddler Bed
  1. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends transitioning a child out of a crib and into a toddler bed once the crib railing is lower than their chest. ...
  2. While there's no set age guideline for transitioning, it usually happens between 2 and 3 ½ years old.
Dec 30, 2021

When to give a toddler a pillow? ›

When Can a Toddler Use a Pillow? The age that toddlers can safely use a pillow varies. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend letting a toddler under the age of 2 years use a pillow. When your toddler transitions out of their crib to a bed they can then safely use pillows and other bedding.

How to tell if baby has outgrown crib? ›

They outgrew the crib

The American Academy of Pediatrics says a child has outgrown their crib if: They're taller than 35 inches. The railing on the crib is in the middle of their chest (at their nipple line) when they're standing in the crib.

Did I transition to a toddler bed too soon? ›

Transitioning from a crib to a bed too early can wreak havoc on sleep. This is why I recommend waiting until your child is at least three years old. Before 2.5 – 3 years of age, children do not understand invisible boundaries so if they can get out, they will!

How to keep a toddler in bed when transitioning from a crib? ›

Calmly and silently return your toddler to bed as many times as it takes. Keep it as boring as possible and she'll get the idea. For kids who don't, some parents put gates at the bedroom door. If your little one has already proven she can climb out of the crib, however, chances are a gate won't be much of an obstacle.

What is the best time to put a toddler to bed? ›

Buying Guide
Age RangeRecommended Hours of Sleep (NSF)Recommended Bedtime
7-11 months old12 to 16 hours6:00 pm - 7:30pm
1-2 years old11- 14 hours6:00 pm -7:30pm
3-5 years old10-13 hours7:15 pm - 8:30pm
6-13 years old9-11 hours7:15p.m-9:00pm
2 more rows

Does putting toddler to bed earlier help them sleep longer? ›

Research consistently shows that putting kids to bed early is beneficial for their physical, emotional, and cognitive development. Not only do kids tend to sleep more when the lights go out sooner, but they also may get a greater proportion of restorative sleep, too.

How to tell if your toddler is ready for a toddler bed? ›

For example, if you can see their chest above the rail of the crib when they are standing up, they may have outgrown their crib. Typically, a child should switch to a bed when they are about 3 feet tall. They may also start expressing to you that they want a big bed like you or an older sibling.

When to transition toddler to pillow and blanket? ›

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is safe to give your child a pillow and/or blanket when they are two years old.

When to take side off crib? ›

Most toddlers have the ability to hop over the crib rail when they're about 35 inches tall and between 18 and 24 months of age.

What age to remove crib rail? ›

Most toddlers have the ability to hop over the crib rail when they're about 35 inches tall and between 18 and 24 months of age. Of course, some babies are very agile and will attempt to climb out sooner (at which point they should be moved to a bed).

When can a toddler sleep with a blanket? ›

When is it safe to give your toddler a pillow and blanket? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is safe to give your child a pillow and/or blanket when they are two years old. They also recommend waiting to give toddlers a pillow until they've transitioned from a crib to a big bed.

When should I lower my toddler's crib? ›

Finally, once they can pull themselves up to a standing position, or at least show signs of doing so, lower their crib to the lowest level. This will keep them safely inside the crib for the whole night. Once they're fully standing and taller than 35 inches, it's time to graduate to a toddler bed.

What is the best way to transition a toddler from crib to bed? ›

To transition, remove the crib and position your choice in that vacant spot. Falling asleep and waking to familiar sites in his room makes the move easier. Use the same bedding (sheets, blankets) from the crib for awhile, even if too small. This also breeds comfort and familiarity.

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