Newborn’s first bath: any preferred timing? A pilot study from Lebanon (2024)

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Newborn’s first bath: any preferred timing? A pilot study from Lebanon (1)

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BMC Res Notes. 2020; 13: 430.

Published online 2020 Sep 14. doi:10.1186/s13104-020-05282-0

PMCID: PMC7491191

PMID: 32928289

Joelle Mardini,#1,2 Clara Rahme,#3 Odette Matar,4 Sophia Abou Khalil,4 Souheil Hallit,Newborn’s first bath: any preferred timing? A pilot study from Lebanon (2)#1,5 and Marie-Claude Fadous KhalifeNewborn’s first bath: any preferred timing? A pilot study from Lebanon (3)#1,2

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To try to find the most appropriate time for the newborn’s first bath. This prospective randomized study was conducted in one hospital (July–September 2017).


A higher percentage of newborns who had a skin-to-skin contact with their mothers had their bath at 24h vs 2h after birth (65.2% vs 33.3%; p = 0.01). A higher percentage of mothers who helped in their baby’s bath had their baby’s bath at 24h vs 2h (65.2% vs 5.9%; p < 0.001) and vs 6h (65.2% vs 15.7%; p < 0.001) respectively. A higher mean incubation time was seen between newborns who had their bath at 2h (2.10 vs 1.78; p = 0.002) and 6h (2.18 vs 1.78; p = 0.003) compared to those who had their bath at 24h respectively. A higher percentage of newborns who took their first bath 24h after birth were calm compared to crying vigorously (38.6% vs 9.1%; p = 0.04). Delaying newborn first bath until 24h of life was associated with benefits (reducing hypothermia and vigorous crying, benefit from the vernix caseosa on the skin and adequate time of skin-to-skin contact and mother participation in her child’s bathing.

Keywords: Neonates, Bathing time, Incubation time, 24-h status, Vernix caseosa


Bathing of the newborn is a part of routine care in hospital nurseries. The aim of the first bath is to remove undesired fluids as blood and meconium on the newborn’s body and to provide hydration to the stratum corneum of the newborn’s skin in order to maintain skin integrity, barrier function property and body temperature [1]. There is an ongoing debate about when the first bath should be given. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that newborns should not be given a bath in the first 24h but to wait until their vital signs become stable, especially that this will leave residual vernix caseosa intact allowing it to wear off with normal care and handling [2]. If this is not possible for cultural reasons, bathing should be delayed at least 6h after birth to allow the neonate to pass into extra-uterine life, thus enabling the bonding of the mother to the newborn [2]. However, the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) recommends giving first bath when cardio-respiratory stability has been achieved, which means to wait up to 2h after delivery [3]; whereas the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) says that bathing and other treatments should be initiated no sooner than 1h after birth, so that maternal-infant contact is not interrupted [4].

One of the many benefits of delaying first bath is waiting for the newborn’s temperature to stabilize around 36.8 degrees Celsius or higher in order to prevent the risk of hypothermia, which is higher in the first hour after birth [5]. A second benefit is allowing to keep intact the vernix caseosa which is a protective fetal film that acts as a chemical and mechanical barrier in utero, with the thickest coating accumulating between 36 and 38weeks of gestation [6]. The benefits of leaving this coating is protection from infection, skin cleansing and moisturizing and protection from the activity of host defense proteins important for innate immunity [6]. Another idea is that bathing has an influence on skin colonization with microorganisms because it is thought that the skin of the fetus is usually sterile unless there was a premature rupture of membranes [6]. After delivery, a variety of microorganisms will colonize the skin and this is affected by the type of delivery: vagin*l or cesarean section. In vagin*l delivery, the skin will contain bacteria resembling the mother’s vagin*l flora, whereas in cesarean section it will reflect the skin flora of the mother [7].

A very important factor after childbirth is the skin-to-skin contact where the newborn baby is placed naked on the mother's bare chest at birth or shortly afterwards [8, 9]. Evidence supporting the practice of post-birth skin-to-skin contact (SSC) is strong, suggesting multiple benefits for both mother and child. Advantages for the mother include early elimination of the placenta, reduced bleeding, improved self-efficacy of breastfeeding, and decreased maternal stress [9]. Advantages for the infant include a reduction in the negative consequences of “stress of birth”, more appropriate thermoregulation, persisted even in the first days and less crying [9]. Another factor is incubator time defined as the amount of time in the incubator needed to achieve thermal stability [10]. In fact, the first bath should be postponed until the newborn is thermally stable because bathing is associated with a significant loss of heat [10]. The objective of our study is to try to find the most appropriate time for the newborn’s first bath, and conclude if it is compatible with the WHO recommendations.

Main text


Study design

This pilot study, part of the evaluation of professional practices (EPP; quality improvement project), was prospective, conducted in the maternity department of the Notre-Dame des Secours University Hospital Center from July until September 2017 after approval of the hospital’s ethics committee. Newborns were divided randomly by dice roll into groups: Group 1 when getting number 1 or 2 on the dice, group 2 when getting number 3 or 4 and group 3 when getting number 5 or 6. Group 1 included newborns taking their first bath at 2h of age, Groups 2 and 3 were formed by newborns taking their first bath at 6 and 24h of age respectively (Fig.1). Babies whose mothers requested to bath them earlier than 2h were excluded from the study. In the absence of similar studies tackling the same outcomes, this study was considered as a pilot one, with no minimal sample size calculated. A total of 125 neonates was enrolled at the end of the data collection. There were no other inclusion/exclusion criteria.

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Fig. 1

Flow chart summarizing the study design


The variables collected were maternal age, mother’s level of education, occupation, age at time of delivery, parity, gestational age, and bathing assistance (mother’s choice to assist with her newborn’s first bath or not). Other variables evaluated any possible association between delaying first bath and age of first skin-to-skin contact (putting the naked baby at the mother’s bare chest directly after primary care has been given), incubation time (time necessary to achieve thermal stability) and newborn status (vigorous crying or calm). All these variables were assessed while taking into consideration the mother’s need and the health care team availability.

The quality of amniotic fluid was noted in every baby and the presence of vernix caseosa on the skin of each baby was evaluated at 2h, 6h, and 24h of age and then noted in each baby’s file as positive (presence of vernix) or negative (absence of vernix). After the first bath, skin temperature was taken every 2 to 3h for 24h. A subjective assessment of the general state of the baby was done by two experienced midwives to classify each baby as being calm, sleepy, or having vigorous screaming.

Statistical analysis

The statistical analysis of the results was made via SPSS version 22. Frequencies/percentages as well as means and standard deviations were used to describe categorical and continuous variables respectively. The sample did not have a normal distribution; therefore, non-parametric tests were used for the bivariate analysis. The Chi-square test was used to compare between categorical variables; the Fisher’s exact test was used when the number of cells was less than 5. The Kruskal–Wallis test was used to compare 3 or more means. P < 0.05 was considered significant.


Fifty-one children took their bath at 2h, whereas 51 and 23 children took their bath at 6 and 24h respectively.

Bivariate analysis of factors associated with the newborn’s bath timing

A significant association was seen between the mother-baby skin-to-skin contact and the newborn’s bath timing for the whole trend and between newborns who had their bath at 2h and 24h; a significantly higher percentage of newborns who had their bath 2h after birth did not have a skin-to-skin contact with their mothers directly after birth (after first care was done). (65.2% vs 33.3%; p = 0.01). A significant association was seen between the mother’s assistance with newborn’s bath for the whole trend, and between newborns who had their bath at 2 vs 6h and 2 vs 24h respectively. A significantly higher percentage of mothers who helped in their baby’s bath had their baby’s bath at 24h vs 2h (65.2% vs 5.9%; p < 0.001) and vs 6h (65.2% vs 15.7%; p < 0.001) respectively. A significant association was seen between the incubation time and the newborn’s bath timing for the whole trend, and between groups 1 vs 3 and 2 vs 3 respectively. A significantly higher mean incubation time was seen between newborns who had their bath at 2h (2.10 vs 1.78; p = 0.002) and 6h (2.18 vs 1.78; p = 0.003) compared to those who had their bath at 24h respectively (Table ​(Table11).

Table 1

Bivariate analysis of factors associated with the newborn’s bath timing

VariableGroup 1
Group 2
Group 3
p between 3 groups
Age of the mother (in years)0.543
20–257 (13.7%)8 (15.7%)4 (17.4%)
26–3022 (43.1%)14 (27.5%)7 (30.4%)
> 3022 (43.1%)29 (56.9%)12 (52.2%)
Education level0.210
Primary11 (21.6%)4 (7.8%)1 (4.3%)
Secondary6 (11.8%)9 (17.6%)4 (17.4%)
University34 (66.7%)38 (74.5%)18 (78.3%)
Unemployed23 (45.1%)20 (39.2%)12 (52.2%)
Employed28 (54.9%)31 (60.8%)11 (47.8%)
Delivery method0.537
Normal32 (62.7%)31 (60.8%)17 (73.9%)
Cesarean19 (37.3%)20 (39.2%)6 (26.1%)
120 (39.2%)21 (41.2%)10 (43.5%)
221 (41.2%)17 (33.3%)9 (39.1%)
3 and more10 (19.6%)13 (25.5%)4 (17.4%)
Skin-to-skin contact mother-baby0.027
No34 (66.7%)25 (49.0%)8 (34.8%)
Yes17 (33.3%)26 (51.0%)15 (65.2%)
No1 (2.0%)1 (2.0%)0 (0%)
Yes50 (98.0%)50 (98.0%)23 (100%)
Mother’s assistance with newborn’s bath < 0.001
No48 (94.1%)43 (84.3%)8 (34.8%)
Yes3 (5.9%)8 (15.7%)15 (65.2%)
Vernix caseosa0.154
No26 (51.0%)32 (62.7%)17 (73.9%)
Yes25 (49.0%)19 (37.3%)6 (26.1%)
Number of previous pregnancies2.24 ± 1.242.33 ± 1.541.96 ± 0.980.747
Duration of the mother-baby skin to skin contact1.71 ± 0.771.52 ± 0.701.67 ± 0.620.579
Incubation time2.10 ± 0.362.18 ± 0.661.78 ± 0.520.002

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Post hoc analysis: skin to skin contact with the mother (group 1 vs 3: p = 0.01); mother’s assistance with newborn’s bath (group 1 vs 3: p < 0.001 and group 2 vs 3: p < 0.001); incubation time (group 1 vs 3: p = 0.002 and group 2 vs 3: p = 0.003)

A significantly higher percentage of newborns who took their first bath 24h after birth were calm compared to the other two groups who were crying vigorously (38.6% vs 9.1%; p = 0.04) (Table ​(Table22).

Table 2

Association between the first bath timing and the newborn status

VariableNewborn statusp values
CalmSomnolentCryingp between 3 groupsp 1–2p 1–3p 2–3
First bath timing0.070.0960.040.690
2h35 (34.7%)6 (75.0%)10 (62.5%)
6h44 (43.6%)2 (25.0%)5 (31.3%)
24h22 (21.8%)0 (0%)1 (6.3%)

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p 1–2 = p between groups 1 and 2; p 1–3 = p between groups 1 and 3; p 2–3 = p between groups 2 and 3


The inability of the infant to self-regulate their temperature puts them at risk of many complications, including hypothermia, hypoglycemia and infection, making it important to ensure early stabilization after birth [11].

In this pilot EPP study, a significantly higher percentage of newborns who had their bath 2h after birth did not have a skin-to-skin contact with their mothers directly after birth (after first care was done). A previous study found that skin-to-skin touch helps in thermoregulation during a newborn transition from intrauterine to extrauterine [10]. Actually, newborn thermoregulation is the main consideration of the timing of the first bath. According to Cheffer and Rannalli, a healthy newborn will develop independent thermoregulation during the transition with temperature stability between 36.4˚C and 37˚C. The transition period was defined as the first minutes after birth and continued up to 24 to 48h, with major transitions arising within the first 6 to 8h [10]. To this purpose, an early first bath will lead to the removal of the vernix and the disruption of skin-to-skin contact, which may affect the temperature of the infant and the bonding to his/her mother [12].

In addition, a significantly higher percentage of mothers’ assistance to their baby’s bath was seen in the group of babies bathed at 24h vs 2h and vs 6h respectively. This is in line with a previous research, which claimed that the delayed bathing technique enabled parents to take part in their newborn first bath [13]. Indeed, parents seemed more at ease and open to learning, and some were eager to take part in the bathing. This is an added benefit to demonstrate a healthy bath and have parents engage in an experience that can be overwhelming for first-time parents [13].

Our study showed that the majority of newborns who were bathed at 2h had to be reheated in the incubator for a longer period than the group of newborns taking their bath at 24h of life.; They were put in the incubator for 1h to monitor spO2 and temperature, if temperature went back to neutrality (between 36.5 and 37.5 degrees Celsius the baby was taken out of the incubator). The lowest temperature we had was 36 degrees. Newborns are particularly sensitive to changes in ambient temperature due to their small body mass and relatively large body surface areas [10]. A randomized study trial performed by Bergman et al. found better thermoregulation and cardiorespiratory safety in infants with SSC relative to those cared for in the incubator [14].

Furthermore, a significantly higher percentage of newborns who took their first bath 24h after birth were calm compared to those who took their bath at 2h. In reality, the babies who took their bath 24h after birth profited from the SSC, which gave them comfort and safety for the babies [12].

Conclusion and clinical implications

In our study, delaying newborn bathing beyond 12h of life, especially waiting till 24h of life was found to have several benefits. Beside the reduction of the risk of hypothermia and the need for warming in the incubator, it reduced vigorous crying and allowed the baby to benefit from the protective and moisturizing properties of the vernix caseosa, not to forget the most important benefit of all which was the satisfaction of mothers who were able to assist in their child bath especially when adequate skin to skin contact was provided at birth allowing mother and baby bond, especially that skin-to-skin contact is an important factor that enhances exclusive breastfeeding rates which is a topic that we are always promoting in our maternity department.


Our study had some limitations. First, the type of the study being monocentric could lead to selection bias. Besides, an under or over estimation of a question could be experienced by the mother, leading to an information bias. In addition, the evaluation of the baby’s state during the day and the evaluation of the presence of vernix caseosa were subjective (assessment made by the midwives without a specific score to follow), and data about temperatures and mean age of first skin-to-skin contact were not collected. More than that, the number of health care workers required to follow the bathing scheduleasplannedwas limited, along with the workload of the nursery. Finally, the small number of children enrolled does not allow the extrapolation of the results to the general population. Future studies, considering all these limitations, should be conducted in order to confirm our results.


The authors would like to thank the mothers for accepting to be part of this study.


WHOWorld Health Organization
AWHONNAssociation of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses
NICENational Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
SSCSkin-to-skin contact

Authors’ contributions

MCFK conceived and designed the study. OM and SAK performed the data collection and entry. JM and CR wrote the manuscript. SH involved to data interpretation and statistical analysis, edited the paper and revised the paper for intellectual content. All authors critically revised the manuscript for intellectual content. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.



Availability of data and materials

There is no public access to all data generated or analyzed during this study to preserve the privacy of the identities of the individuals. The dataset that supports the conclusions is available to the corresponding author upon request.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

This study protocol was approved by the ethics committee of the Notre Dame de Secours university hospital center, Byblos, Lebanon. A written informed consent was obtained from each mother.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.

Competing interests

The authors disclose no conflicts of interest.


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Joelle Mardini and Clara Rahme first co-authors

Souheil Hallit and Marie-Claude Fadous Khalife last co-authors

Contributor Information

Joelle Mardini, Email: moc.liamtoh@iinidramelleoj.

Clara Rahme, Email: moc.liamtoh@hemhar_aralk.

Odette Matar, Email: moc.liamg@ratam.a.ettedo.

Sophia Abou Khalil, Email: moc.kooltuo@aihposlilahkuoba.

Souheil Hallit, Email: moc.liamtoh@tillahliehuos.

Marie-Claude Fadous Khalife, Email: moc.liamtoh@454edualcm.


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Articles from BMC Research Notes are provided here courtesy of BMC

Newborn’s first bath: any preferred timing? A pilot study from Lebanon (2024)


When should you give a newborn the first bath? ›

While most institutions used to bathe babies within an hour or two of birth, many are changing their policies. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends delaying baby's first bath until 24 hours after birth—or waiting at least 6 hours if a full day isn't possible for cultural reasons.

Who gives the baby their first bath? ›

If you give birth in a hospital, nurses will probably bathe your baby within a few hours of delivery unless you specify otherwise.

How often should a baby bathe in 1 month? ›

Some parents bathe their babies daily as part of a bedtime routine or due to regular baby messes, from extra spit-up to diaper blowouts. But for most families, bathing the baby two to three times a week is plenty after the first couple of weeks of life.

Can I bathe my newborn at 2 weeks? ›

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends sponge baths until the umbilical cord stump falls off — which might take a week or two.

Why do you have to wait 6 weeks after birth to take a bath? ›

In those first few weeks postpartum, your cervix is still somewhat dilated, regardless of whether you had a vagin*l delivery or a c-section. There's a theory – though no research has confirmed this – that tub water could travel into your uterus, introduce bacteria, and cause an infection.

Why don't hospitals bathe newborns? ›

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that newborns should not be given a bath in the first 24 h but to wait until their vital signs become stable, especially that this will leave residual vernix caseosa intact allowing it to wear off with normal care and handling [2].

Who guidelines for newborn bathing? ›

Caring for a newborn
  • Wipe the baby dry and clean and delay the first bath for at least 24 hours.
  • Keep the baby warm with one or two layers of clothes more than adults and keep the head covered with a hat.
  • Have the baby tested for eye and hearing problems and for jaundice.

What time is too late to give a baby a bath? ›

You can bath your baby at any time of the day. It's a good idea to pick a time when you're relaxed and you won't be interrupted. Try not to bath your baby when they're hungry or they've just had a feed. If bathing relaxes your baby, you can use it as a way to settle your baby in the evening.

How long can a baby go without a bath? ›

As for how often you should bathe a newborn once their umbilical cord stump falls off, experts say up to three times a week is fair game. “Newborns really don't need to be bathed that often—after all, they shouldn't be perspiring, and they aren't crawling, so [they] shouldn't be getting into dirt!” says Navsaria.

Should you put lotion on a newborn? ›

Skin care for your newborn

Many parents like to use lotions. But unless the baby's skin is dry, lotions really are not needed. Powders should be avoided, unless they are recommended by your baby's healthcare provider. When using any powder, put the powder in your hand and then apply it to the baby's skin.

When to start using baby soap? ›

Using soaps and shampoos

Only use plain water for newborn babies. You can start using unperfumed baby bath from about 4 to 6 weeks, but be careful to only use a little so you don't damage your baby's skin. Babies with longer hair may need a drop of mild shampoo on wet hair, lathered and rinsed off.

What is the golden hour after birth? ›

The time immediately following birth is known as the Golden Hour when it comes to mother-baby bonding. During this period, skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby is critical to promote attachment, reduce stress for both mother and baby and to help baby adapt to life outside of the womb.

What to avoid when bathing newborn? ›

Never put a baby in the tub while the water is still running. The water temperature should be warm (not hot), so test it with your elbow or the inside of your wrist, since those areas are more sensitive than your fingertips. Turn the cold water on first and turn it off last to avoid burning your child. Get a grip.

What time is best to bath a newborn? ›

Choose a time when your baby is awake and content. Make sure the room is warm. Get everything ready beforehand. You'll need a bowl of warm water, a towel, cotton wool, a fresh nappy and, if necessary, clean clothes.

When can I give my baby a bath after the umbilical cord falls off? ›

Don't put your baby in the tub for a few weeks after he or she is born. It's best to sponge-bathe your infant until the umbilical cord falls off and is completely healed. After that, you can place your baby in the water, making sure to support the head and neck at all times. Your baby doesn't need a bath every day.

When can I put lotion on my newborn? ›

In some cases, a pediatrician may recommend postponing the use of lotion on a newborn until they are a few weeks old. This allows the baby's immune system to develop further, lowering the risk of potential irritants or allergens causing harm.

How long until the umbilical cord falls off? ›

When your baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut and there is a stump left. The stump should dry and fall off by the time your baby is 5 to 15 days old. Keep the stump clean with gauze and water only. Sponge bathe the rest of your baby, as well.

How to know if umbilical cord is healed? ›

As the umbilical cord stump dries, shrivels, and hardens, it will go from a yellow color to a brownish black. The umbilical cord stump usually falls off within a few weeks of your baby's birth. Contact your baby's healthcare provider if it hasn't fallen off by the time your little one is 2 months old.

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