Dressing newborns and choosing newborn clothes: a guide (2024)

Newborn clothes: sizes

Size 000 is intended to fit babies from 0-3 months, and size 00 is for babies from 3-6 months. Some bigger newborns might be ready to go straight into a size 00. You might have to roll up the sleeves, but it won’t be for long.

Sizes vary between types of clothes and manufacturers, so it’s worth comparing clothes to other garments you already have, rather than relying only on the size on the label.

Babies grow very fast, so it’s best to buy the minimum number of clothes in each size.

How many newborn clothes?

You’ll needplenty of changes of clothes for a newborn baby. Here’s a guide to get you started:

  • 6 singlets
  • 6 jumpsuits
  • 2 jumpsuits for nightwear
  • 3 tops
  • 2 cardigans or jackets (if it’s winter)
  • 3 cotton bunny rugs and 3 muslin (gauze) wraps
  • an infant sleeping bag (as an alternative to wraps)
  • 2 cotton hats
  • a few pairs of socks.

Choosing newborn clothes: soft, comfortable and easy care

Clothes should be comfortable, soft and easy to take care of.

Stretchy jumpsuits that fasten at the front are best, as well as tops with envelope necks, which are easier to get over your baby’s head. Jumpsuits with zips can make dressing your baby quick and easy too.

Clothes made from cotton are a good choice. Cotton clothes will keep your baby cooler in hot weather than clothes made from synthetic fibres. Cotton also washes well and is gentle against your baby’s sensitive skin.

It’s also important to look out for clothes with alow fire hazard label.Newborn rompers and jumpsuits should have this label.

It’s best to avoid buying newborn clothes with beading, threads, ties, drawstrings and attachments. These can bechoking risks andstrangulation or suffocation risks.

Dressing newborns for warmth

Newborn babies need to be kept warm. So in cold weather it can be easiest to dress your baby in layers. Then you can take off layers when you’re at the shops or in other warm places.

As a guide,dress your baby in the same number of layers you’re wearing, plus one extra layer for warmth.

Although it’s important to keep newborns warm, it’sjust asimportant that your baby doesn’t overheat,especially during sleep.

When you’re dressing your baby for bed, make sure your baby is comfortably warm – not hot, sweaty or cold. It’s a good idea to dress your baby in layers of fitted clothing so that you can add or take away layers as the temperature changes.

Dressing and undressing newborns: tips

Many newborns are upset by being dressed and undressed. The quicker and calmer you are, the less stress there is for both you and your baby.

These tips might help:

  • Make sure the room is warm enough, and then place your baby on a soft surface.
  • Put a nappy on your baby in case they do a wee.
  • Stretch the neck of a singlet and, supporting your baby’s head, put the singlet on from the back. As you pull the singlet over your baby’s head, try not to let it touch your baby’s face. Babies can get very upset by clothes scraping their faces.
  • Do the reverse when undressing, once again trying not to let the clothes touch your baby’s face.
  • Gently place your baby’s arms through the armholes.
  • If you’re dressing your baby in a jumpsuit, unbutton or unzip it and lay your baby on top. Place your baby’s arms and legs into the holes and do up the zip or snap fasteners.
  • Make sure your baby’s legs and arms are clothed for going out in the sun – but it’s better to keep your baby out of direct sun altogether if you can.

Try talking, singing nursery rhymes, smiling and making faces when you’re dressing your baby. This can distract your baby during dressing and undressing. Talking and singing are also good ways for you tobond with your baby.

Washing newborn clothes

It’s a good idea to wash all baby clothes before your baby wears them for the first time. This can get rid of excess dyes and chemicals, reducing the chance of clothes irritating your baby’s skin or causing an allergic reaction.

You can wash baby clothes with the rest of your laundry, but try toavoid using strong detergents and fabric softeners. Laundry detergents labelled ‘sensitive’ or ‘gentle’ are less likely to irritate your baby’s skin.

Clothes with poo on them need to be soaked in nappy sanitiser before washing. Nappy sanitiser also makes a handy pre-soak once your baby is eating solids. Even with a bib, your baby’s clothes will get covered in food and drink.

Dressing newborns and choosing newborn clothes: a guide (2024)


Dressing newborns and choosing newborn clothes: a guide? ›

The general rule of thumb is to make sure baby wears one additional layer than what you're comfortable wearing—if you're feeling chilly, your baby probably is too.

What are some guidelines for choosing baby clothes? ›

Dressing newborns and choosing newborn clothes: a guide
  • Babies grow out of clothes quickly, so buy only what you need in each size.
  • Choose newborn clothes that are easy to put on and off, comfortable to wear, and easy to wash.
  • It's a good idea to dress your baby in layers.
May 3, 2023

What is the rule for newborn clothes? ›

The general rule of thumb is to make sure baby wears one additional layer than what you're comfortable wearing—if you're feeling chilly, your baby probably is too.

What should a newborns first outfit be? ›

Start with the onesie or wrap shirt

Onesies are practically synonymous with baby clothing: They cater to the needs of a tiny human who's unaccustomed to wearing clothes. Think of these bodysuits as ideal base layers for newborns.

What clothes are required for a newborn baby? ›

New Baby Clothes Checklist
  • 6 to 8 bodysuits and/or onesies. Bonsie Baby, the Founder of Poppylist's Favorite Onesie. ...
  • 3 to 4 pairs of pants and/or leggings. ...
  • 4 to 5 pairs of pajamas, sleepers, and/or footies. ...
  • 1 to 3 special occasion outfits. ...
  • 5 to 6 pairs of socks. ...
  • 2 to 3 hats.
Dec 21, 2023

What is the most reliable way to choose a baby's clothing size? ›

If you are buying a lot of different baby clothes brands, you may have to test them all out and see what fits your baby. Sizes vary from company to company. The best way is to have your baby's current measurements on hand and look up each brand's sizing chart to figure out the best match every time you shop.

How many weeks should you start buying baby clothes? ›

Nowadays, there are so many amazing options for baby gear that it can be tough to decide what to buy. However, many parents agree that it's best to wait to purchase certain items until you know your baby's sex, which you'll know between 18 and 21 weeks.

How long will a 7lb baby be in newborn clothes? ›

Amazon Essentials Sizing²:
Label / SizeWeight (pounds)Height / Length (inches)
N (Newborn)5 – 8 lbsUp to 20”
0 – 3 months8 – 12.5 lbs20 – 23.5”
3 – 6 months13 – 16.5 lbs24 – 25.5”
6 – 9 months17 – 20.5 lbs26 – 27.5”
7 more rows

Can newborns wear 0-3 months? ›

Finding your newborn clothes size can be difficult. Whether you're trying to choose a coming-home outfit for your own little one or pick out something sweet for a loved one's new baby, newborn-size (NB) clothes, or something a bit bigger with some room to grow, such as 0-3 months, is most likely the way to go.

How long do babies fit in 0-3 month clothes? ›

Newborn baby clothes sizes

Whereas size 0-3 months should fit your baby up to 12 pounds, and you can always roll up sleeves and pant legs for a few weeks while baby grows into the larger size.

How many outfits do you really need for a newborn? ›

Layers are crucial with newborns, as they struggle to regulate their own body temperature. Long-sleeved onesies and long-sleeve sleepwear are both good ideas. You can also match onesies with shirts. On average, it's best to have at least 14 newborn clothing options (two for each day of the week).

How many outfits does a newborn need per day? ›

It's good to always have around 3-4 outfits every day to make sure your newborn baby is comfortable and protected in their clothes. If you're looking for quality newborn baby clothes, check out our huge range at Bespoke Baby now!

How many layers of clothes should a newborn wear? ›

A good rule of thumb is to give your baby 1 extra layer of clothing than what you're wearing. For example, if you're in a t-shirt and jumper, dress them in a vest, sleepsuit and cardigan or jumper. If you feel chilly, your baby probably does too.

Do babies wear clothes under a swaddle? ›

We do not recommend layering swaddles, sleep bags, or sleep suits, as this can increase the risk of overheating or suffocation - which can lead to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Instead, choose an appropriate garment for the room temperature and if necessary, lightweight layers that can be worn underneath.

Do newborns fit into newborn clothes? ›

“Newborn” (NB) represents an average baby at birth up to 21.5 inches long and five to eight pounds. Yep, “newborn” fits a wide range of sizes, so chances are your baby will fit into it at birth. “Parents should expect clothes to be a bit loose; no clothes are made to be grown out of in a week,” says Wing.

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NewbornUp to 10 lbs.first few weeks only
Size 18–14 lbs.birth–4 months
Size 212–18 lbs.3–8 months
Size 316–28 lbs.5–24 months
4 more rows
May 15, 2020

What are 4 guidelines for choosing children's clothing? ›

Clothing should fit your child comfortably and allow them to move freely. Avoid Clothing that is too tight or too loose , as this can be uncomfortable and unsafe . Choose clothing with simple designs & avoid clothing with small embellishments, as these can come off and pose a choking hazard .

What three factors should be kept in mind when choosing a child's outfit? ›

Things to keep in mind while buying kids' clothes
  • Fabric matters the most. Kids are happy outside when they feel comfortable in what they're wearing. ...
  • Size of the clothes. ...
  • Quality and Durability. ...
  • Kid's Opinion. ...
  • Fashion. ...
  • Value for Money.
Dec 25, 2020

What are some guidelines for choosing toys for newborns? ›

Here are some general guidelines to keep in mind when shopping for toys:
  • Toys made of fabric should be labeled as flame resistant or flame retardant.
  • Stuffed toys should be washable.
  • Painted toys must use lead-free paint.
  • Art materials should say nontoxic.

What are the most important considerations in children's clothing? ›

Clothing that is too small or too large can inhibit body movement and interfere with a child's activities. Avoid uncomfortably small necklines, armholes, sleeves, and waistlines and elastic that is too tight. Clothing that is too large and twists around the body or trips the child should also be avoided.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.